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Editions Prosveta
8 produits trouvés
Meditaciones a la salida del sol
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225508383
«Con los alimentos espirituales sucede lo mismo que con los alimentos materiales. Así como todos los días ustedes comen pan y beben agua para alimentar su cuerpo físico, ustedes deben alimentarse del Sol: de su calor, de su luz, para nutrir sus cuerpos espirituales. De esta manera es como se volverán realmente vivos. Así pues, intenten mirar el Sol, cuando sale todas las mañanas, como si fuera la primera vez que lo vieran, y siempre les parecerá nuevo».Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
ebook (ePub) 3.49 €20 prêts
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20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPEl deber de ser feliz
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225508390
Sean los dueños de su felicidadLas pruebas de la vida: un reto que debemos aceptarExploten sus riquezas espiritualesSean apacibles con su entornoTrabajen sobre la atmósfera psíquicaNo se desanimen nuncaEnciendan sus lámparasUn simple gestoDar para enriquecerseNuestra mejor protección: el auraLa soledad no existeVivan en la poesíaUn secreto mágico: la gratitudRevivan los momentos de felicidad
ebook (ePub) 3.49 €20 prêts
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LCPHarmonia e saúde
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225508413
«Aquilo a que chamamos vida é uma troca ininterrupta entre o universo e este pequeno átomo que cada um de nós representa algures no espaço.A vida cósmica penetra no homem, que a impregna com as suas próprias vibrações e depois a re-envia... De novo ele absorve essa vida e de novo a re-envia... É a esta troca permanente entre o homem e o universo que se chama nutrição, que se chama respiração e também se chama amor. Nós devemos, pois, fazer trocas com a terra para viver no plano físico, no corpo; devemos fazer trocas com a água para viver no plano astral, o coração; devemos fazer trocas com o ar para viver no plano mental, o intelecto; devemos fazer trocas com o amor e a luz para viver na alma e no espírito. No dia em que nos tornarmos conscientes dessas trocas, começaremos a sentir o universo como uma imensa sinfonia.»Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
ebook (ePub) 8.49 €20 prêts
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20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPEl hombre en el organismo cósmico
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225508406
La cadena viva de las criaturasLa armonía con el cuerpo cósmicoLa conciencia de la unidadVida individual y vida colectivaLa ciencia de la vidaMicrocosmos y macrocosmos: la ley de correspondenciaPrever está en la base de la economíaRecibimos gratuitamente, debemos dar gratuitamenteLa vida sólo está hecha de intercambios1. Los alimentos nos hablan del universo2. La nutrición: transformación de la materia3. Respirar la vida divinaRestablecer el contacto con la vida universalEl trabajo con los espíritus de la naturalezaUn saludo a la creación
ebook (ePub) 3.49 €20 prêts
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LCPThe high ideal
Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225446869
`Every ideal, whatever it may be, has a magical quality: it is linked to us, and it transmits something of its very quintessence. If we have chosen a very high ideal, it will constantly supply us with beneficial particles and currents. Since we have shaped it and kept it in our mind and heart, it will always be there to improve conditions until, one day, we find we have new conditions in our life which our ideal has prepared for us. But this will only happen if we love our ideal, if we think of it, nurture it and, despite its immensity and the distance that separates us from it, cradle it in our heart and soul.'Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
ebook (ePub) 4.49 €20 prêts
durée illimitée
20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPComplete works, life and work in an initiatic school training for the divine Tome 30/1
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225446043
`We are here between the four walls of this room at the Bonfin, but we are also in the town of Fréjus. Fréjus is in the Var, the Var is in France, France is in Europe, and Europe is one of the continents on earth. The earth belongs to the family of planets in the solar system, the solar system belongs to a galaxy, and that galaxy is a tiny part of the whole cosmos. Yes, the amazing truth is that we are here in this room and, at the same time, in the cosmos.
What conclusion, if any, can we draw from this? The conclusion that, as cosmic beings, we must not eternally confine ourselves to our own petty interests. We must open our eyes and remind ourselves that we have cosmic work to do. What is the use of belonging to the Universal White Brotherhood if we do not work for broader, more far-reaching goals - for the welfare of the whole world? From now on, try to change your usual way of seeing things, and adopt a broader point of view. Try to become more aware of being part of the cosmos, of being linked to the whole universe, and try to see that this means that the things you do, as well as how you do them, must change.´
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhovebook (ePub) 16.99 €20 prêts
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LCPComplete works, cosmic moral law Tome 12
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225445725
True morality is everywhere manifest in Nature, the extension of the natural laws that govern our psychic life. When human beings break these laws they pay by suffering or illness. The reader will no doubt be surprised to learn that true morality is not a limitation; on the contrary it confers tremendous freedom and increases our power of action. If we obeyed these laws both in our own lives and in our dealings with others, the result would be the ideal society.
Table of contents
1. `As You Sow, So Shall You Reap'
2. The Importance of Choice - Work not Pleasure
3. Creative Activity as a Means of Evolution
4. Justice
5. The Law of Affinity: Peace
6. The Law of Affinity: True Religion
7. The Laws of Nature and Moral Law
8. Reincarnation
9. Don't Stop Half-Way
10. Know How to Use Your Energies
11. How to Distil the Quintessence
12. The Moral Law Exemplified in a Spring
13. Why Look for Models in the World Above
14. Man Creates in the Invisible World by Means of his Thoughts and Feelings
15. We must not Sever the Link Between the World Below and the World Above
16. If You Are Light You Will Seek the Company of Light
17. Duplicates - New Recordings
18. Morality Comes into its Own in the World Above
19. Example ist the Best Teacher
20. Turn the Other Cheekebook (ePub) 16.99 €20 prêts
durée illimitée
20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPComplete works, the alchemical and magical meaning of nutrition Tome 16
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
- Editions Prosveta
- 3612225242522
`The whole world gives priority to the question of food: everyone tries to deal with it before anything else; they work for food and even fight for it. But this attitude with regard to food is still only an impulse, an instinctive tendency, which has not entered the realm of enlightened consciousness. Only initiatic Science teaches us that food prepared in the divine laboratories with incredible wisdom contains magical elements capable of preserving or restoring physical and psychic health. For that to happen, we have to know in what conditions these elements can be captured and that the most effective method for doing so is thought. Yes, human thought is capable of drawing subtle, luminous particles from the food, which take part in the construction of our entire being, and in this way we are gradually transformed.
`When you understand this, nutrition will become a source of benefit and wonder for you, because beyond the simple fact of eating to keep yourself alive will be added greater meaning and greater knowledge; there will be other work to do, other goals to achieve. Superficially, you will eat like everybody else and the whole world will eat like you, but in fact there will be a difference as great as that between earth and heaven.'
Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov
ebook (ePub) 8.49 €20 prêts
durée illimitée
20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
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