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Addiction from darkness to light : Itineraries of four addicts
David Delapalme, Caroline Colfdefy
- Le Publieur
- 3612226444499
This book is a story of rebirth: four addicts, three men and one woman, who learn how to live without drugs and alcohol, one day at a time.
In order to escape addiction, they chose an American therapeutic method, the Minnesota Model. A method based on mutual aid that has been used for decades around the world with great success.
However, the method has yet to gain acceptance and become widespread in France, where the medical world has been unable to solve the problem of addiction.
Today, these four former addicts have become therapists, specialising in the field of addiction. Their goal: care for those who are suffering through the same ordeal that they had. Who better than an addict to help another addict overcome the evils of alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs, an behavioural addictions (work, gambling, screens, sport, food, sex), and get back on the path of life.
It is a powerful message of hope about a journey too often littered with failure, relapse, doubts and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. A metamorphosis founded upon spirituality, like a rite of passage, during which we learn the strength and determination of these men and women who all had believed they were doomed forever but who managed to rebuilt their lives, one day at a time.20 prêts
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LCPProtecting crops through plant diversity
Anaïs Tibi, Vincent Martinet, Aude Vialatte, Collectif
- 3612226426853
Reducing the use of synthetic pesticides means redesigning cropping systems to encourage the natural ecological processes that regulate pests. This book provides an overview of crop protection strategies based on plant diversification and analyses the technical and socio-economic obstacles and levers of their deployment.
20 prêts
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LCPA guide to sugarcane diseases
- 3612226399065
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.Le comité de pathologie de l'Issct (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists) et le Cirad ont décidé de publier un nouvel ouvrage sur les maladies de la canne à sucre. L'objectif est de fournir des informations récentes sur les connaissances scientifiques et les aspects pratiques du contrôle des maladies à tous ceux qui travaillent sur la canne à sucre. Chaque maladie est décrite de façon détaillée et des informations sont données sur les agents pathogènes, le diagnostic et la lutte. Des références bibliographiques sont citées et chaque maladie est illustrée par des photographies en couleurs.
20 prêts
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SANS LCPDiseases of tropical tree crops
Dominique Mariau
- 3612226400143
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.This work gives details of some fifty diseases of tropical tree crops which cause very significant yield losses hence compromising or even preventing cultivation. Breeding resistant planting material is currently the most widely used control method. Research is also under way on the rational use of chemical pesticides, the adoption of appropriate crop techniques and on reducing populations of insect vectors of viral and fungal diseases, phytoplasms and Phytomonas. The French version of this book, Les maladies des cultures pérennes tropicales, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Les maladies des cultures pérennes tropicales, est disponible sur notre site.
20 prêts
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LCPGenetic diversity of cultivated tropical plants
- 3612226399133
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.How can plant genetic resources best be preserved, evaluated and exploited? According to which criteria and with which tools should collections representing the genetic diversity of cultivated species be established? This work goes some way towards answering 11 tropical plants: citrus fruits, banana, cocoa, coffee, sugarcane, coconut, rubber, cassava, millet, rice and sorghum. The work also contains three chapters on methodologies: biochemical and molecular marking, data analysis and core collections. The French version of this book, Diversité génétique des plantes tropicales cultivées, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Diversité génétique des plantes tropicales cultivées, est disponible sur notre site.
20 prêts
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SANS LCPImprovement of cocoa tree resistance to phytophthora diseases
D Despreaux, C Cilas
- 3612226400167
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.Cet ouvrage de synthèse a pour principal objectif de mettre à la disposition de la communauté internationale les connaissances et les outils utilisables pour la sélection de cacaoyers plus résistants à Phytophthora. Il fait le point sur la diversité du pathogène, les connaissances épidémiologiques, les paramètres génétiques de la résistance observée en champ et les aspects pratiques de la sélection. La pertinence de différents tests d'évaluation à partir d'inoculations artificielles et l'utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires dans la sélection de matériel résistant sont largement abordées.
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LCPBiodiversity and strategy: Subtle equilibriums
Hervé Brédif, Laurent Simon
- 3612226395814
Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. Drawing on numerous examples and a wealth of research from the humanities, social sciences and conservation sciences, this book offers a profoundly renewed strategic diagnosis as well as levers for activating regenerative processes to benefit the living world.
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SANS LCPImpacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Sophie Leenhardt, Laure Mamy, Stéphane Pesce, Wilfried Sanchez
- 3612226370781
As part of the Ecophyto II+ plan, INRAE and Ifremer were in 2020 commissioned to conduct a collective scientific assessment of the impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The results, released in May 2022, confirm that plant protection products contaminate all types of terrestrial and aquatic environments, all of their compartments and most of their organisms.
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LCPStics Soil Crop Model : conceptual Framework, equations and uses
Nicolas Beaudoin, Patrice Lecharpentier, Dominique Ripoche-Wachter, Loïc Strullu, Bruno Mary, Joël Léonard
- 3612226323626
The formalisations of the STICS crop model presented in this book can be considered as references used in the framework of crop sciences. They will help professionals and students in the partitioning and understanding of the complex agronomic system.
This book was funded with support from the French National Fund for Open Science20 prêts
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LCPOil palm fertilization guide
Bernard Dubos, Xavier Bonneau, Albert Flori
- 3612226317762
Illustrated by numerous examples from trials in various soil, climate and plant material conditions in Africa and Latin America, this book is a guide for designing the fertilization system in oil palm plantations. It explains how to define fertilizer recommendations for each plantation, considering the specific characteristics of each site
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LCPEvolving the Common Agricultural Policy for Tomorrow's Challenges
- 3612226299013
As in other parts of the world, agriculture in Europe is not sustainable. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) must foster its necessary evolution. This book draws the contours of an ambitious CAP that would facilitate the agro-ecological transition of agricultural systems in the European Union.
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LCPLorsque l'esprit influence le corps Tome 4 ; la sclérose en plaques
Salomon Sellam
- éditions Bérangel
- 3612226297774
Este volumen está dedicado a todas las personas interesadas por esta enfermedad, a los enfermos, a su entorno y a los profesionales de la salud. Paralelamente a la versión oficial, existe una versión psicosomática que se ha ido imponiendo con el análisis de la historia de los individuos afectados. Todos los puntos importantes se encuentran aquí detallados así como la conclusión de este amplio estudio sobre esclerosis múltiple. Sí, la esclerosis múltiple es accesible a la Psicosomática Clínica como lo atestiguan muchas personas diagnosticadas que han mejorado claramente o se han curado. La piedra angular psicosomática está constituida por la demostración de una lógica general, desarrollada aquí punto por punto. Varios elementos concretos la definen:
1 - Las circunstancias ligadas al acontecimiento y sobre todo a las emociones que producen el primer brote y los siguientes -el desencadenamiento de los síntomas. Todas están estrechamente ligadas a unos resentires concretos: desplazamiento, verticalidad, desvalorización, separación, miedo frontal y tiroides.
2 - La noción fundamental de la programación de esta enfermedad basada en dos elementos: el Proyecto Sentido Gestacional en cierta medida y el Transgeneracional en la gran mayoría de los casos analizados. Así pues, la historia familiar a lo largo de varias generaciones constituiría por sí sola el punto central y es lo que permite explicar la dinámica de instauración de todos los síntomas específicos. Su característica principal es la existencia de un Síndrome del Yaciente, la reparación transgeneracional automática de un fallecimiento injustificado/injustificable.
Los ejemplos clínicos detallados así como los capítulos dedicados a la terapéutica-consejos, técnicas y bloqueos-permitirán a cada individuo iniciar su propio camino hacia la mejoría o la curación de su enfermedad. Dr Salomon Sellam20 prêts
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LCPPublic policies and food systems in Latin America
Jean-françois Le coq, Catia Grisa, Stéphane Guéneau, Paulo Niederle
- 3612226257280
Solving the problem of hunger and malnutrition, producing and guaranteeing access to healthy food, preserving the environment, valuing local cultures and ensuring citizen participation are some of the challenges that permeate the dynamics of food systems. From different scales and perspectives of analysis, the book addresses the role of Latin American public policies and actions in the configuration of healthy and sustainable food systems.
20 prêts
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LCPLife cycle assessment of agri-food systems - an operational guide dedicated to emerging and developi
- 3612226239316
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is the internationally recognized method to assess the environmental impacts of products and services. This operational guide provides best practice recommendations for LCA practitioners to carry out LCA studies on agri-food systems in developing and emerging contexts.
20 prêts
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LCPSpillways on river levees
Gérard Degoutte, Rémy Tourment
- 3612226216003
This technical handbook covers different types of spillways on river levees, including their function, hydraulics, river morphology, civil engineering, and flood management. It is intended for levee managers, control authorities, engineering firms, and hydraulics or civil engineering students.
20 prêts
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LCPAgricultural robotics : part of the new deal ? with 27 agricultural robot information sheets
Roland Lenain, Julie Peyrache, Alain Savary, Gaetan Severac
- 3612226213590
The farming and agricultural robotics industries are inextricably linked. This connection is reinforced every year at the FIRA International Forum of Agricultural Robots, where, inevitably, there are new players and new problems, bigger goals and better solutions. This book is a journey into the state of the art of the industry in 2020, followed by 27 agricultural robot information sheets.
20 prêts
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LCPAgroecology : research for the transition of agri-food systems and territories
- 3612226151427
Agroecology was chosen by INRAE as one of the interdisciplinary foresight projects aimed at identifying research fronts in response to major societal challenges. Eighty researchers drew up an assessment and proposed research avenues for agroecology. This book summarizes their main conclusions.
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LCPThe forestry and wood sector and climate change mitigation : From carbon sequestration in forests to the development of the bioeconomy
- 3612226142364
Forests and forestry in temperate regions face what may appear to be contradictory goals: to increase atmospheric carbon capture through sequestration in biomass and soils, while providing a growing share of the resources needed to produce essential material goods and energy for human societies as well as gradually renewing forests to enable them to adapt to future climate conditions. INRAE and IGN, at the request of the French Ministries responsible for agriculture and forestry, have jointly undertaken a scientific assessment to shed light on the details of this debate.
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LCPSugar beet ; a competitive innovation. preface by didier guillaume
Christian Huyghe, Bruno Desprez, Vincent Laudinat
- 3612225974768
« Sugar beet - A competitive innovation » is a collective work which provides the context, the results and the perspectives of the `Investments for the Future Programme'. AKER aims to improve the competitiveness of sugar beet by 2020 by doubling the annual growth rate of its sugar yield per hectare.
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LCPArtificialized land and land take : Drivers, impacts and potential responses
- 3612225974553
This work identifies the decisive economic and social factors in land take and its impact on the environment and agriculture. It carries out a summary of the state of knowledge - as complete as possible - of the determinants and impacts related to land take in France and attempts to identify policy tools through a multidisciplinary approach combining life sciences and economic sciences. It highlights the specific problems associated with this phenomenon.
20 prêts
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LCPHealing with cannabis
Michka & Coll.
- Mama Editions
- 3612225977905
Medical cannabis has proven its effectiveness in treating many ailments. It is used legally in different states and traditionally in several parts of the world. In this book, leading international experts answer the most frequently asked questions concerning its modes of action and use.
What illnesses and symptoms can cannabis heal or relieve? How is it absorbed? What are the respective medicinal virtues of THC and CBD? What is the current state of scientific research? What cannabis-derived medications are available today? Which are preferable, natural products or synthetic cannabinoids? How can you grow therapeutic marijuana? What are the different legislations around the world concerning its medical use?
The author
Michka is widely respected as an expert in France and abroad on the subject of free access to plant medicine, and she has published numerous books and articles over the past thirty years. In Medical Cannabis, Michka is joined by Prof. Raphael Mechoulam-who discovered the THC and CBD molecules-as well as Prof. Manuel Guzman, Prof. Denis Richard, Jorge Cervantes, Robert Clarke, Chris Conrad, Philippe Lucas, Prof. Adriaan Jansen and Don E. Wirtshafter, J.D.
« This richly illustrated compendium shows how current attitudes toward medical cannabis are slowly changing-in spite of stubborn ideological resistance. »
Le Pharmacien de France
« This very serious and competent book opens up new horizons for those who wish to heal naturally, efficiently and knowingly. »
Mediapart20 prêts
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SANS LCPHydroponik leicht gemacht ; alles über pflanzenanbau im haus
William Texier
- Mama Editions
- 3612225957365
Mit dieser reich illustrierten Bibel für das Gärtnern mit Hydroponik werden Ihre Erträge alle Erwartungen übertreffen.
Egal ob Ihre Pflanzen in Wasser, in der Luft, in Kokosfasern oder in Tonkügelchen wurzeln: Mit Hydroponik ist es mglich, gesunde Pflanzen zu züchten und 365 Tage im Jahr frisches Obst und Gemüse zu ernten.
Von den Grundlagen des Gärtnerns für Anfänger bis hin zur detaillierten Beschreibung von Hightech-Anlagen und professionellem Know-how enthält dieser umfassende Wegweiser alles, was Sie schon immer über die Kunst der Hydroponik wissen wollten.
Diese neue Auflage ist um ein Kapitel über die aktuellen Entwicklungen ergänzt worden und wird alle Ihre Fragen zu urbanem Gartenbau, Bioponik, nachhaltigen Mikrofarmen und Küchengärten beantworten.
« Auf dem Weg zum perfekten Indoor-Garten. »
Hanf Journal
« Hervorragende Illustrationen. Ein Standardwerk, welches ich immer griffbereit halte. »
Jorge Cervantes20 prêts
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SANS LCPDas bio grow-buch
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen
- Mama Editions
- 3612225954395
Dieses praktische Handbuch erläutert neue biologische Gartenbautechniken. Ein Kompendium wiederentdeckter Geheimnisse und innovativer Ratschläge.
Nützliche Mikroorganismen, Bokashi oder biodynamischer Kompost, Permakultur, Wasserwirbler, die Kraft der Elemente... Das Bio-Grow-Buch ffnet die Türen zu einer umfassenden (R)Evolution, bei der Produktivität und Qualität Hand in Hand gehen.
Lernen Sie, im Sommer und im Winter, in Erde oder bioponisch, gesündere und wohlschmeckendere Pflanzen Obst, Gemüse, Blumen anzubauen und dabei Ihr eigenes Wohlbefinden und das unseres Planeten zu verbessern.
Mit seinem breiten Spektrum an neuen Strategien und bewährten Tipps ist dieser umweltfreundliche und überaus humorvolle Führer ein Muss für alle achtsamen Gärtner, egal ob Anfänger oder Experten.
Fotos, 3D-Diagramme, Mikroskopaufnahmen, Schritt-für-Schritt-Grafiken... insgesamt über 570 Originalillustrationen.
Vorwort von Michka Seeliger-Chatelain.
Zeichnungen von Pic Lelièvre.
Adressen und Webseiten
Fachmessen und Märkte
Mehr als 550 Kontaktadressen
« Herausragend! ... Unglaublich! ... Dieses Buch liest sich wie kein anderes. »
France 5
« Prädikat: besonders wertvoll. »
Le Monde
« Hier werden alle Fragen zum biologischen Gärtnern beantwortet. Ein tolles Buch! »
France Inter20 prêts
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SANS LCPMedical Cannabis ; From Marijuana to Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Mama Editions
- 3612225930702
This unique and timely book arrives just as a growing number of states are authorizing the use of medical cannabis.
Written by highly respected international specialists, it answers the most frequently asked questions about this unusual plant medicine, including:
o The diseases that can be helped or even healed by marijuana, and the ways in which the human body can absorb it.
o Where to obtain legal medical cannabis, and instructions on how to grow your own if it is unavailable for purchase.
o The respective medical attributes of THC and CBD, and the history of different marijuana varieties.
o The latest legislation in different parts of the world.
o The available pharmaceutical medications derived from marijuana, or from synthetic cannabinoids.
o The history of marijuana usage around the world, including legal purchase in the Dutch Coffee Shops.
This richly illustrated book provides a practical overview of therapeutic marijuana. With clarity and humor, it also offers an understanding of the complex issues surrounding this fascinating plant.
« A must read. »
France 3
« A precious work of synthesis. »
DNA20 prêts
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