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Quantum phisics, fibre theory : Gravitational force...expansion, dark matter, time.
Patrice Uguet
- Publishroom
- 9625607141102
Patrice Uguet is an independent researcher, engineer by trade. A true realist.
He looks for explanations and descriptions of still unexplained quantum phenomena.
We discover with great surprise and great pleasure what entanglement could actually mean.
He tries to rationally solve the EPR paradox and nonlocality.
A new fibre theory is slowly born, structured, logical, elegant.
He brings a new light to the current quantum physics notions that are vague or unexplained: the gravitational force, the expansion accelerating or dark matter.
His realistic description of time passing by is quite singular.60 prêts
durée illimitée
30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPReavivar a sexualidade no casal : Todas as dicas para impulsionar a sua libido
Regaglia Laura
- 50 Minutes
- 9622404621103
Descubra todas as nossas dicas e truques para impulsionar a sua libido! Não é raro que um casal veja o seu desejo sexual diminuir com o tempo. Rotina, fadiga, condições patológicas... muitos factores podem impedir a libido! Contudo, é bastante possível manter uma vida sexual satisfatória com o seu parceiro, desde que esteja disposto a tomar as medidas necessárias. Este livro dar-lhe-á informações e soluções: compreender melhor a sua sexualidade; identificar o que afecta o seu desejo; impulsionar a sua libido; e muito mais!
60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPThomas Edison : De grote uitvindingen van een onverzadigbaar genie
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 9622977341101
Thomas Edison, een onverzadigbare uitvinder met meer dan duizend patenten, is de belichaming van de Amerikaanse self-made man. Deze autodidact, die op 24-jarige leeftijd ondernemer werd, wordt beschouwd als de grootste uitvinder aller tijden. Zonder zijn genialiteit zou er nooit een platenspeler, bioscoop, telefoon of gloeilamp zijn geweest. Hij creëerde ook de elektronica-industrie die leidde tot de uitvinding van radio en televisie. Ontdek in 50 minuten het leven van deze man die het leven van mensen wilde veranderen door het gebruik van elektriciteit in Amerikaanse en Europese huizen te democratiseren en de ontwikkeling van elektrische straatverlichting te bevorderen.
60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPThomas Edison : Le grandi invenzioni di un genio insaziabile
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 9622401991100
Thomas Edison, insaziabile inventore con più di mille brevetti, è l'emblema del self-made man americano. Quest'uomo autodidatta, diventato imprenditore all'età di 24 anni, è considerato il più grande inventore di tutti i tempi. Senza il suo genio non sarebbero mai esistiti il giradischi, il cinema, il telefono o la lampadina. Ha anche creato l'industria elettronica che ha portato all'invenzione della radio e della televisione. Scoprite in 50 minuti la vita di quest'uomo che ha deciso di cambiare la vita delle persone democratizzando l'uso dell'elettricità nelle case americane ed europee e promuovendo lo sviluppo dell'illuminazione stradale elettrica.
60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPLa teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin : L'origine delle specie
Romain Parmentier
- 50 Minutes
- 9622074341103
Nel 1859 fu pubblicato il libro fondamentale di Charles Darwin "L'origine delle specie per mezzo della selezione naturale", che presentava l'idea rivoluzionaria che tutte le specie sulla Terra sono il risultato di un lento processo evolutivo e continuano a evolversi nell'ambito della lotta oggi comunemente nota come sopravvivenza del più adatto. Le conclusioni di Darwin erano il frutto di molti anni di attenta osservazione, ma si rivelarono controverse perché sfidavano il dogma religioso dominante e rivoluzionavano la nostra comprensione del mondo che ci circonda. In soli 50 minuti, imparerete a conoscere i contributi di Darwin e Alfred Russel Wallace alla biologia e a comprendere il grande impatto che le loro idee hanno avuto sul pensiero scientifico del XIX secolo. Questo libro, semplice e informativo, fornisce una discussione approfondita delle idee contenute in L'origine delle specie e delle osservazioni su cui si basano. Presenta inoltre le biografie di Darwin e Wallace, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico, sociale ed economico e una valutazione dell'impatto della teoria dell'evoluzione, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali sullo sviluppo del darwinismo. La teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin: La teoria dell'evoluzione sostiene che le specie non sono immutabili, come implica il creazionismo, ma piuttosto che sono il risultato di un lento processo di evoluzione da un antenato comune. Darwin fece le osservazioni che gettarono le basi della sua teoria della selezione naturale durante il viaggio a bordo del Beagle e lavorò costantemente per perfezionarle nei 20 anni successivi prima di pubblicare il suo libro rivoluzionario.
60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPBien debuter avec numbers - le tableur du mac
Rémy Lentzner
- Remylent
- 9619083011103
Welcome to Numbers, the spreadsheet application for Mac. This book is intended to anyone who wants to discover its possibilities and advantages. While learning how to perform simple calculations, you'll discover elaborate functions to work out complex results.
You will be able to format tables and cells thanks to the property panels. You will appreciate the filters to group information with categories. Numbers proposes lots of powerful features to print and to layout the sheets. Finally, you will discover graphics, shapes, media objects and templates.
Rémy Lentzner has been an IT trainer since 1985. Specialized in mastering office automation tools, he supports companies in the professional training of their employees. Self-taught, he has several computer books to his credit.60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPEine kurze Geschichte der Zeit. Zusammenfassung & Analyse des Bestsellers von Stephen Hawking
- 50 Minutes
- 9615989901104
Prägnante Zusammenfassung und kritische Analyse zu Stephen Hawkings Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit
Stephen Hawking ist einer der bekanntesten theoretischen Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. In Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit beschreibt er leicht verständlich, wo sich der Forschungsstand der Kosmologie befindet. Er beginnt dazu im antiken Griechenland und geht auf verschiedene Erkenntnisse ein, die das wissenschaftliche Denken beeinflusst haben, darunter die Entwicklung des heliozentrischen Weltbilds, die Newtonschen Gesetzen und Einsteins allgemeine und spezielle Relativitätstheorien. Außerdem bespricht er aktuellere Forschung der Quantenmechanik und die bislang noch vergeblichen Versuche, eine vereinheitlichte Theorie aufzustellen, die das gesamte Universum erklären kann.
Nach 50 Minuten kennen Sie:
die Theorien, auf denen die heutige Kosmologie aufbaut
Hawkings Beitrag zur Erforschung des Universums
Hawkings Schlussfolgerungen für die zukünftige Forschung
Eine neue Perspektive in nur 50 Minuten Bestseller auf den Punkt gebracht!
Die Serie Non-Fiction kompakt der Reihe 50Minuten eignet sich für Leserinnen und Leser, die von Experten lernen mchten, ohne dabei viele Stunden in die Lektüre zu investieren. Prägnante Zusammenfassungen vermitteln kompakt die wichtigsten Inhalte bedeutender Bestseller, inklusive spannender Zusatzinformationen zu Kontext und Autoren. Kritische Analysen beleuchten außerdem unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu den dargestellten Konzepten, deren Schwächen, Stärken und weitere Anknüpfungspunkte. Und all das in nur 50 Minuten! Die Bücher sind sowohl im Papierformat als auch digital erhältlich.60 prêts
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LCPBook Review: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking : A summary of humanity's study of the universe
- 50 Minutes
- 9614618901102
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
As its name suggests, A Brief History of Time sets out the history of our understanding of time and the universe around us. In this bestselling and highly influential book, Stephen Hawking seeks to explain how the universe works and find out where we came from and where we are going, in an accessible style that can be understood even by readers with no prior knowledge of the subject. This clarity and accessibility made A Brief History of Time a publishing phenomenon: it spent over two years on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into over 30 languages, making it one of the most influential popular science books ever written. Stephen Hawking was one of the most respected scientists of the 20th century, and is remembered in particular for his work on general relativity and black holes.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
oStudents of physics at all levels
oAnyone who wants to gain a better understanding of how the universe works
oAnyone who wants to learn about the history of physics and cosmology
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPMarie Curie : The Pioneer of Radioactivity
- 50 Minutes
- 9611619341104
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life and career of Marie Curie in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life and work of Marie Curie, whose pioneering work on radioactivity revolutionised our understanding of the nature of matter and paved the way for innovative new treatments of cancer and various other illnesses. With Nobel Prizes in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911), Curie overcame both sexism in the overwhelmingly male scientific world and xenophobia after moving to France from her native Poland to carve out a place for herself at the forefront of scientific research. Her tenacity, intellectual brilliance and determination to use her discoveries to develop new medical treatments through the Radium Institute make her a role model for individuals of all nationalities, genders and walks of life.
In just 50 minutes you will:
o Learn about Curie's groundbreaking work on radioactivity and its applications
o Gain an understanding of the historical, social and scientific context in which she was working
o Discover her incredible legacy as both a pioneering scientist and a woman in a male-dominated field
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture
50MINUTES.COM will enable you to quickly understand the main events, people, conflicts and discoveries from world history that have shaped the world we live in today. Our publications present the key information on a wide variety of topics in a quick and accessible way that is guaranteed to save you time on your journey of discovery.
60 prêts
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LCPCuida tu salud con el shiatsu
- 50 Minutes
- 9611424811106
¡Cuídate por dentro y por fuera gracias al shiatsu!
¿Sientes que tu energía está desequilibrada? ¿Te gustaría volver a estar en paz contigo mismo?
En esta guía práctica encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el shiatsu, que te permitirá ejercitar tu cuerpo y tu mente para vivir en armonía.
En tan solo 50 minutos, conseguirás:
o Saber de primera mano los principios que sirven de base para el shiatsu, una técnica relajante y terapéutica que proviene de Japón
o Descubrir la teoría de los cinco elementos y los meridianos, que te ayudarán a mejorar la práctica del shiatsu
o Acompañar el shiatsu de otros aspectos, como una dieta adecuada y técnicas de respiración, para sentirte mejor
SOBRE 50MINUTOS.ES | Salud y bienestar
50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece los mejores trucos y consejos para lograr que te sientas satisfecho en tu día a día. Si lo que necesitas es un cambio que transforme tu
vida, ¡no sigas buscando!
Nuestras obras combinan conocimientos teóricos con testimonios y casos prácticos que solventarán todas tus dudas y te ayudarán a superar tus problemas sin perder el tiempo.
¿A qué esperas para darle un giro a tu vida?
60 prêts
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LCPMarie Curie
- 50 Minutes
- 9611424851102
Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para saber más sobre Marie Curie, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo.
En tan solo 50 minutos, usted podrá:
o Conocer la vida y obra de Marie Curie, que se traslada a Francia desde su Polonia natal para estudiar y acaba convirtiéndose en una de las figuras de la ciencia más importantes de la historia
o Entender el arduo trabajo que realiza junto a su marido, Pierre Curie, y que desemboca en el descubrimiento de la radiactividad y en la concesión de dos premios Nobel
o Analizar las repercusiones de sus descubrimientos tanto en la física como en la medicina, que se ve revolucionada con el desarrollo de tratamientos contra el cáncer
50MINUTOS.ES le ofrece las claves para entender rápidamente los principales acontecimientos históricos que cambiaron el mundo.
Nuestras obras narran de forma rápida y eficaz una gran variedad de acontecimientos históricos clave de distintas épocas, desde la Antigua Grecia hasta la caída del muro de Berlín.
¡Descubra en un tiempo récord la historia que ha marcado el rumbo del mundo!
60 prêts
durée illimitée
30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
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