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180 produits trouvés
Addiction from darkness to light : Itineraries of four addicts
David Delapalme, Caroline Colfdefy
- Le Publieur
- 3612226444499
This book is a story of rebirth: four addicts, three men and one woman, who learn how to live without drugs and alcohol, one day at a time.
In order to escape addiction, they chose an American therapeutic method, the Minnesota Model. A method based on mutual aid that has been used for decades around the world with great success.
However, the method has yet to gain acceptance and become widespread in France, where the medical world has been unable to solve the problem of addiction.
Today, these four former addicts have become therapists, specialising in the field of addiction. Their goal: care for those who are suffering through the same ordeal that they had. Who better than an addict to help another addict overcome the evils of alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs, an behavioural addictions (work, gambling, screens, sport, food, sex), and get back on the path of life.
It is a powerful message of hope about a journey too often littered with failure, relapse, doubts and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. A metamorphosis founded upon spirituality, like a rite of passage, during which we learn the strength and determination of these men and women who all had believed they were doomed forever but who managed to rebuilt their lives, one day at a time.ebook (ePub) 11.99 €20 prêts
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LCPQuantum phisics, fibre theory : Gravitational force...expansion, dark matter, time.
Patrice Uguet
- Publishroom
- 9625607141102
Patrice Uguet is an independent researcher, engineer by trade. A true realist.
He looks for explanations and descriptions of still unexplained quantum phenomena.
We discover with great surprise and great pleasure what entanglement could actually mean.
He tries to rationally solve the EPR paradox and nonlocality.
A new fibre theory is slowly born, structured, logical, elegant.
He brings a new light to the current quantum physics notions that are vague or unexplained: the gravitational force, the expansion accelerating or dark matter.
His realistic description of time passing by is quite singular.ebook (ePub) 8.99 €60 prêts
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LCPProtecting crops through plant diversity
Anaïs Tibi, Vincent Martinet, Aude Vialatte, Collectif
- 3612226426853
Reducing the use of synthetic pesticides means redesigning cropping systems to encourage the natural ecological processes that regulate pests. This book provides an overview of crop protection strategies based on plant diversification and analyses the technical and socio-economic obstacles and levers of their deployment.
ebook (ePub) 2.00 €20 prêts
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LCPMagique quantique : Comment la physique quantique peut tout expliquer ... sauf la gravité !
Tim James
- Dunod
- 9623856450914
Au début du XXe siècle, la science semblait complète et les lois de la nature presque toutes découvertes, mais des chercheurs intrépides ont réveillé un géant endormi en découvrant la mécanique quantique.
Dans le monde quantique, les objets peuvent se trouver en deux endroits à la fois, le voyage dans le temps est non seulement possible, mais nécessaire, la cause et l'effet peuvent s'inverser, et la simple observation d'un objet change son état.
Des univers parallèles à l'antimatière, laissez-vous guider par le facétieux Tim James à la découverte des bizarreries du monde de l'infiniment petit !ebook (ePub) 19.98 €30 prêts
60 mois
1 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPA guide to sugarcane diseases
- 3612226399065
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.Le comité de pathologie de l'Issct (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists) et le Cirad ont décidé de publier un nouvel ouvrage sur les maladies de la canne à sucre. L'objectif est de fournir des informations récentes sur les connaissances scientifiques et les aspects pratiques du contrôle des maladies à tous ceux qui travaillent sur la canne à sucre. Chaque maladie est décrite de façon détaillée et des informations sont données sur les agents pathogènes, le diagnostic et la lutte. Des références bibliographiques sont citées et chaque maladie est illustrée par des photographies en couleurs.
ebook (pdf) 2.00 €20 prêts
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SANS LCPDiseases of tropical tree crops
Dominique Mariau
- 3612226400143
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.This work gives details of some fifty diseases of tropical tree crops which cause very significant yield losses hence compromising or even preventing cultivation. Breeding resistant planting material is currently the most widely used control method. Research is also under way on the rational use of chemical pesticides, the adoption of appropriate crop techniques and on reducing populations of insect vectors of viral and fungal diseases, phytoplasms and Phytomonas. The French version of this book, Les maladies des cultures pérennes tropicales, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Les maladies des cultures pérennes tropicales, est disponible sur notre site.
ebook (ePub) 2.00 €20 prêts
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LCPGenetic diversity of cultivated tropical plants
- 3612226399133
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.How can plant genetic resources best be preserved, evaluated and exploited? According to which criteria and with which tools should collections representing the genetic diversity of cultivated species be established? This work goes some way towards answering 11 tropical plants: citrus fruits, banana, cocoa, coffee, sugarcane, coconut, rubber, cassava, millet, rice and sorghum. The work also contains three chapters on methodologies: biochemical and molecular marking, data analysis and core collections. The French version of this book, Diversité génétique des plantes tropicales cultivées, is available on our website.La version française de ce titre, Diversité génétique des plantes tropicales cultivées, est disponible sur notre site.
ebook (pdf) 2.00 €20 prêts
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SANS LCPImprovement of cocoa tree resistance to phytophthora diseases
D Despreaux, C Cilas
- 3612226400167
This Print On Demand book will be sent within 3 weeks (metropolitan France) and in a separate package if you order another paperback book.Cet ouvrage en impression à la demande sera envoyé sous 3 semaines environ (France métropolitaine) et dans un colis séparé en cas de commande avec un autre livre papier.Cet ouvrage de synthèse a pour principal objectif de mettre à la disposition de la communauté internationale les connaissances et les outils utilisables pour la sélection de cacaoyers plus résistants à Phytophthora. Il fait le point sur la diversité du pathogène, les connaissances épidémiologiques, les paramètres génétiques de la résistance observée en champ et les aspects pratiques de la sélection. La pertinence de différents tests d'évaluation à partir d'inoculations artificielles et l'utilisation des marqueurs moléculaires dans la sélection de matériel résistant sont largement abordées.
ebook (ePub) 2.00 €20 prêts
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LCPBiodiversity and strategy: Subtle equilibriums
Hervé Brédif, Laurent Simon
- 3612226395814
Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. Drawing on numerous examples and a wealth of research from the humanities, social sciences and conservation sciences, this book offers a profoundly renewed strategic diagnosis as well as levers for activating regenerative processes to benefit the living world.
ebook (pdf) 2.00 €20 prêts
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SANS LCPImpacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services
Sophie Leenhardt, Laure Mamy, Stéphane Pesce, Wilfried Sanchez
- 3612226370781
As part of the Ecophyto II+ plan, INRAE and Ifremer were in 2020 commissioned to conduct a collective scientific assessment of the impacts of plant protection products on biodiversity and ecosystem services. The results, released in May 2022, confirm that plant protection products contaminate all types of terrestrial and aquatic environments, all of their compartments and most of their organisms.
ebook (ePub) 2.00 €20 prêts
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LCPPhysics and mechanics of random media from morphology to material properties
Francois Willot, Samuel Forest
- Presses des Mines
- 9622640830017
Dominique Jeulin has been Director of Research and Professor at École des Mines de Paris, which he joined in 1986. He previously worked at IRSID, where he developed image analysis for materials of steel industry. At École des Mines, he was at the head of the "Physics of Heterogeneous Media" group, with activities in three laboratories of École des Mines de Paris: the Centre de Morphologie Mathématique (Fontainebleau), the Centre de Géostatistique (Fontainebleau), and the Centre des Matériaux P.M. Fourt (Évry).
His main research interests cover the theoretical prediction of physical properties of random media, fracture statistics models, homogenization of mechanical and optical properties of composite materials and of biological tissues, but also, as illustrated by some of the images in this book, probabilistic segmentation of images, random media and nanostructures, 3D image analysis...
His colleagues and friends, from France and abroad, have met in Oléron for a workshop in his honor. They also prepared the present book, which collects articles that are both of a scientific nature, as well as "sentimental" views on their collaboration with Dominique...ebook (pdf) 26.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPBook of abstracts
Jacques Besson, Matthieu Maziere
- Presses des Mines
- 9622641420019
During the last decades material modelling has become a field of central scientific importance. With this conference we intend to continue a forum for discussions on a wide spectrum of aspects in the field of material modelling as initiated in 2009 in Dortmund with ICMM1.
Although there exist many workshops, meetings and colloquia on particular aspects, specific materials and particular applications, a coherent conference series dedicated to material modelling in all its various facets was called for. To this end, the aim of the conference series is to bring together researchers from various fields of material modelling to foster bridges between different disciplines including materials science, mechanics, physics, chemistry,... This provides an excellent opportunity for interaction between scientists working in different subareas of material mechanics.ebook (pdf) 33.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPProceedings of the fourth resilience engineering symposium. june 8-10 2011, soph
Denis Besnard
- Presses des Mines
- 9622332060012
These proceedings document the various presentations at the Fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium held on June 8-10, 2011, in Sophia-Antipolis, France. The Symposium gathered participants from five continents and provided them with a forum to exchange experiences and problems, and to learn about Resilience Engineering from the latest scientific achievements to recent practical applications. The First Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Sderkping, Sweden, on October 25-29 2004. The Second Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on November 8-10 2006, The Third Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on October 28-30 2008. Since the first Symposium, resilience engineering has fast become recognised as a valuable complement to the established approaches to safety. Both industry and academia have recognised that resilience engineering offers valuable conceptual and practical basis that can be used to attack the problems of interconnectedness and intractability of complex socio-technical systems. The concepts and principles of resilience engineering have been tested and refined by applications in such fields as air traffic management, offshore production, patient safety, and commercial fishing. Continued work has also made it clear that resilience is neither limited to handling threats and disturbances, nor confined to situations where something can go wrong. Today, resilience is understood as the intrinsic ability of a system to adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions. This definition emphasizes the ability to continue functioning, rather than simply to react and recover from disturbances and the ability to deal with diverse conditions of functioning, expected as well as unexpected. For anyone who is interested in learning more about Resilience Engineering, the books published in the Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering provide an excellent starting point. Another sign that Resilience Engineering is coming of age is the establishment of the Resilience Engineering Association. The goal of this association is to provide a forum for coordination and exchange of experiences, by bringing together researchers and professionals working in the Resilience Engineering domain and organisations applying or willing to apply Resilience Engineering principles in their operations. The Resilience Engineering Association held its first General Assembly during the Fourth Symposium, and will in the future play an active role in the organisation of symposia and other activities related to Resilience Engineering.
ebook (pdf) 26.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPProceedings of the third resilience engineering symposium october 28-30, 2008. a
Hollnagel Erik
- Presses des Mines
- 9622331840011
The proceeding from Third Resilience Engineering Symposium collects the papers presented on October 28-30, 2008, in Antibes-Juan-les-Pins, France. The Symposium provided a much appreciated forum for people working within the area of Resilience Engineering to become updated with the latest scientific achievements as well as more practical oriented applications, and exchange views and idea within the area.
Resilience Engineering represents a new way of thinking about safety that has already given rise to several practical applications. In contrast to established risk management approaches that are based on hindsight and emphasise error tabulation and calculation of failure probabilities, Resilience Engineering looks for ways to enhance the ability of organisations to create processes that are robust yet flexible, to monitor and revise risk models, and to use resources proactively in the face of disruptions or ongoing production and economic pressures. In Resilience Engineering failures do not stand for a breakdown or malfunctioning of normal system functions, but rather represent the converse of the adaptations necessary to cope with the real world complexity. Individuals and organisations must always adjust their performance to the current conditions; and because resources and time are finite it is inevitable that such adjustments are approximate. Success has been ascribed to the ability of groups, individuals, and organisations to anticipate the changing shape of risk before damage occurs; failure is simply the temporary or permanent absence of that.
The First Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Sderkping, Sweden, on October 25-29 2004. The Second Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on November 8-10 2006. The current and future developments in Resilience Engineering will be covered by the Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering.ebook (pdf) Gratuitprêts illimités
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LCPReavivar a sexualidade no casal : Todas as dicas para impulsionar a sua libido
Regaglia Laura
- 50 Minutes
- 9622404621103
Descubra todas as nossas dicas e truques para impulsionar a sua libido! Não é raro que um casal veja o seu desejo sexual diminuir com o tempo. Rotina, fadiga, condições patológicas... muitos factores podem impedir a libido! Contudo, é bastante possível manter uma vida sexual satisfatória com o seu parceiro, desde que esteja disposto a tomar as medidas necessárias. Este livro dar-lhe-á informações e soluções: compreender melhor a sua sexualidade; identificar o que afecta o seu desejo; impulsionar a sua libido; e muito mais!
ebook (ePub) 4.99 €60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPThomas Edison : De grote uitvindingen van een onverzadigbaar genie
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 9622977341101
Thomas Edison, een onverzadigbare uitvinder met meer dan duizend patenten, is de belichaming van de Amerikaanse self-made man. Deze autodidact, die op 24-jarige leeftijd ondernemer werd, wordt beschouwd als de grootste uitvinder aller tijden. Zonder zijn genialiteit zou er nooit een platenspeler, bioscoop, telefoon of gloeilamp zijn geweest. Hij creëerde ook de elektronica-industrie die leidde tot de uitvinding van radio en televisie. Ontdek in 50 minuten het leven van deze man die het leven van mensen wilde veranderen door het gebruik van elektriciteit in Amerikaanse en Europese huizen te democratiseren en de ontwikkeling van elektrische straatverlichting te bevorderen.
ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
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LCPThomas Edison : Le grandi invenzioni di un genio insaziabile
Benjamin Reyners
- 50 Minutes
- 9622401991100
Thomas Edison, insaziabile inventore con più di mille brevetti, è l'emblema del self-made man americano. Quest'uomo autodidatta, diventato imprenditore all'età di 24 anni, è considerato il più grande inventore di tutti i tempi. Senza il suo genio non sarebbero mai esistiti il giradischi, il cinema, il telefono o la lampadina. Ha anche creato l'industria elettronica che ha portato all'invenzione della radio e della televisione. Scoprite in 50 minuti la vita di quest'uomo che ha deciso di cambiare la vita delle persone democratizzando l'uso dell'elettricità nelle case americane ed europee e promuovendo lo sviluppo dell'illuminazione stradale elettrica.
ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPEcoSd annual workshop consequential lca 2013
Isabelle Blanc
- Presses des Mines
- 9622181150018
EcoSD network is a French association whose main objective is to encourage collaboration between academic and industrial researchers so they may create and spread advanced and multidisciplinary knowledge in the eco-design fields at national and international levels. Several actions are proposed by the EcoSD network with the support from the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), from the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research as well as the Ministry of Industry:
Structuring EcoSD research activities in France to take advantage of the expertise from more than 200 members of this research network,
Developing knowledge among researchers regarding the field of eco-design, particularly better training of PhD students by organizing relevant training courses over different themes in eco-design,
Elaborating new methods, new tools and new databases to achieve complex systems design, compatible with the principle of sustainable development,
Initiating the EcoSD label to acknowledge the quality and inclusion of sustainable development in trainings, research programs, research projects and symposiums,
Helping interactive collaboration between researchers and industrial partners through the organization of quarterly research seminars in Paris and an annual workshop.
The workshop was organized around three main topics:
What is at stake with consequential LCA?
Key methodological issues through the analysis of the state of the art,
Paving the way towards a common terminology, framework and methodology: illustrations through case studies.
Around 50 researchers from industry, academia and governmental institutions participated in the workshop and had the opportunity to exchange with experts. The workshop concluded with a final discussion panel.ebook (pdf) Gratuitprêts illimités
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LCPGeostatistics for environmental applications ; geoenv 2014 ; book of abstracts
Nicolas Jeannee, Thomas Romary
- Presses des Mines
- 9622176180013
For its tenth edition, the Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications took place at the former Ecole des Mines de Paris, now Mines ParisTech, where Georges Matheron developed the foundations of Geostatistics and numerous renowned researchers followed in his footsteps.
From July 9 until July 11, more than 170 experts on geostatistics applied to environmental problems gathered at MINES ParisTech to attend this tenth edition of geoENV. This book contains the abstracts of all presentations, covering fields such as Geostatistical theory and new methodologies, stochastic simulations, spatio-temporal processes, surface and subsurface hydrology, inverse modeling, air quality, climate change, soil contamination, pedology, ecology, natural resources, health, epidemiology, CO2 sequestration, forestry, agriculture, and remote sensing.ebook (pdf) Gratuitprêts illimités
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LCPSpatialization in lca ; ecosd annual workshop 2017
Aissani Lynda
- Presses des Mines
- 9622181210019
The EcoSD network is a French association whose main objective is to encourage collaboration between academic and industrial researchers so they may create and spread advanced and multidisciplinary knowledge in the eco-design fields at national and international levels.
EcoSD proposes several actions with the support of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and the French Ministry of Industry:
Structuring EcoSD research activities in France to take advantage of the expertiseof more than 200 members of this research network
Developing knowledge among researchers in the eco-design fields, particularly better training of Ph.D. students, by organizing relevant training courses for different themes in eco-design
Developing new methods, tools and databases to achieve complex systems design, compatible with the principle of sustainable development
Initiating the "EcoSD label" to acknowledge the quality and inclusion of sustainable development in training, research programs, research projects and symposiums
Helping interactive collaboration between researchers and industrial partners byorganizing quarterly research seminars in Paris and an annual workshop.
Approximately 100 researchers from industry, academia and government institutions participated in the 2017 workshop on "Spatialization in LCA" and had the opportunity to exchange with experts. The associated publication contains a synthesis of the main
contributions presented during this workshop
The objectives of the workshop were to cross different visions, methods and case studies gathering the most recent researches in France, Canada and Luxembourg. Researchers were invited to present their work in various application fields: agricultural,
construction, waste management and urban planning. An industrial from energy sector and a regional authority were also invited to explain how they consider spatial information in their actual practices. This book contains a synthesis of the main contributions presented during this workshop divided into three sections: existing and advanced tools, integrated approach, and, perspectives for spatialization in LCA.ebook (pdf) 13.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPHome care
- Presses des Mines
- 9622309800016
This book focuses on home as a site of care, with new technologies and for elderly population. It pulls together findings from research in the social sciences and common knowledge of the actors themselves, especially stakeholders involved in the design, delivery and receipt of `care in place'. It offers a wide-ranging discussion of key issues raised in both the academic and grey literature in relation to new technologies and responsibilities for health care at home. Then, it identifies critical issues arising from the development of these new care technologies in relation to their design and implementation. It will provide an essential resource for the EU in helping to avoid expensive and inappropriate development and healthcare systems that do not meet the needs of users and citizens.
ebook (pdf) 14.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPThe dynamics of patient organizations in Europe
- Presses des Mines
- 9622309780011
Patient organizations today play a major role in the scientific, economic and political arenas. They have become the quasi-obliged partners of researchers, industrialists and political authorities. This book investigates this quite recent configuration by offering an in-depth exploration of three thematic issues: To what social and political stakes are patient organizations confronted as regards the transformation, production, circulation, and governance of knowledge? The involvement of patient organizations in the economic world is acknowledged as confrontational, especially when it comes to relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. To what extent do opposition, "instrumentalization", or cooperation constitute relevant models if we are to account for the multifaceted relationships between patient organizations and economic actors? Patient organisations are the structuring actors of networks, coalitions, and collectives throughout Europe. What social and political concerns arise from these particular forms of collective action on a national or European scale? Each question is first examined through an academic and grey literature review. Then the emerging topics and critical issues are identified and discussed, drawing upon exchanges of experiences, viewpoints, and reflections between actors involved in patients' and users' movements and social scientists. The dynamics of patient organizations in Europe raises a number of questions of interest for all actors from the health system, as well as for social scientists. This book intends to contribute to the reflection on further research agenda setting and policy-making.
ebook (pdf) 13.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPLa teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin : L'origine delle specie
Romain Parmentier
- 50 Minutes
- 9622074341103
Nel 1859 fu pubblicato il libro fondamentale di Charles Darwin "L'origine delle specie per mezzo della selezione naturale", che presentava l'idea rivoluzionaria che tutte le specie sulla Terra sono il risultato di un lento processo evolutivo e continuano a evolversi nell'ambito della lotta oggi comunemente nota come sopravvivenza del più adatto. Le conclusioni di Darwin erano il frutto di molti anni di attenta osservazione, ma si rivelarono controverse perché sfidavano il dogma religioso dominante e rivoluzionavano la nostra comprensione del mondo che ci circonda. In soli 50 minuti, imparerete a conoscere i contributi di Darwin e Alfred Russel Wallace alla biologia e a comprendere il grande impatto che le loro idee hanno avuto sul pensiero scientifico del XIX secolo. Questo libro, semplice e informativo, fornisce una discussione approfondita delle idee contenute in L'origine delle specie e delle osservazioni su cui si basano. Presenta inoltre le biografie di Darwin e Wallace, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico, sociale ed economico e una valutazione dell'impatto della teoria dell'evoluzione, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali sullo sviluppo del darwinismo. La teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin: La teoria dell'evoluzione sostiene che le specie non sono immutabili, come implica il creazionismo, ma piuttosto che sono il risultato di un lento processo di evoluzione da un antenato comune. Darwin fece le osservazioni che gettarono le basi della sua teoria della selezione naturale durante il viaggio a bordo del Beagle e lavorò costantemente per perfezionarle nei 20 anni successivi prima di pubblicare il suo libro rivoluzionario.
ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
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LCPInnovative tools and methods for teaching music and signal processing
Laurent Pottier, Collectif
- Presses des Mines
- 9621874860012
Digital technologies offer new means of expression in the field of music allowing us to explore areas of unlimited and unprecedented sound and expressiveness.
It is, therefore, important to train future generations regarding these tools from experimental and multidisciplinary perspectives to ensure that musical creation will evolve and fully exploit the possibilities these technologies offer.
With this in mind, we have collected for this book fifteen texts written by researchers, teachers, musicians, composers and Ph.D. students of various backgrounds, each having an innovative and individual practice of teaching music or signal processing.
The book was published following a conference held on 2 and 3 November, 2015 at the University of Saint-Etienne, organized by the CIEREC (Interdisciplinary Center for Studies and Research on Contemporary Expression) in partnership with GRAME. It has been partially funded by the FEEVER project [ANR-13- BS02-0008] supported by the Agence nationale pour la rechercheebook (pdf) 26.99 €prêts illimités
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