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Addiction from darkness to light : Itineraries of four addicts
David Delapalme, Caroline Colfdefy
- Le Publieur
- 3612226444499
This book is a story of rebirth: four addicts, three men and one woman, who learn how to live without drugs and alcohol, one day at a time.
In order to escape addiction, they chose an American therapeutic method, the Minnesota Model. A method based on mutual aid that has been used for decades around the world with great success.
However, the method has yet to gain acceptance and become widespread in France, where the medical world has been unable to solve the problem of addiction.
Today, these four former addicts have become therapists, specialising in the field of addiction. Their goal: care for those who are suffering through the same ordeal that they had. Who better than an addict to help another addict overcome the evils of alcohol, prescription and illicit drugs, an behavioural addictions (work, gambling, screens, sport, food, sex), and get back on the path of life.
It is a powerful message of hope about a journey too often littered with failure, relapse, doubts and sometimes even suicidal thoughts. A metamorphosis founded upon spirituality, like a rite of passage, during which we learn the strength and determination of these men and women who all had believed they were doomed forever but who managed to rebuilt their lives, one day at a time.20 prêts
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20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPProceedings of the third resilience engineering symposium october 28-30, 2008. a
Hollnagel Erik
- Presses des Mines
- 9622331840011
The proceeding from Third Resilience Engineering Symposium collects the papers presented on October 28-30, 2008, in Antibes-Juan-les-Pins, France. The Symposium provided a much appreciated forum for people working within the area of Resilience Engineering to become updated with the latest scientific achievements as well as more practical oriented applications, and exchange views and idea within the area.
Resilience Engineering represents a new way of thinking about safety that has already given rise to several practical applications. In contrast to established risk management approaches that are based on hindsight and emphasise error tabulation and calculation of failure probabilities, Resilience Engineering looks for ways to enhance the ability of organisations to create processes that are robust yet flexible, to monitor and revise risk models, and to use resources proactively in the face of disruptions or ongoing production and economic pressures. In Resilience Engineering failures do not stand for a breakdown or malfunctioning of normal system functions, but rather represent the converse of the adaptations necessary to cope with the real world complexity. Individuals and organisations must always adjust their performance to the current conditions; and because resources and time are finite it is inevitable that such adjustments are approximate. Success has been ascribed to the ability of groups, individuals, and organisations to anticipate the changing shape of risk before damage occurs; failure is simply the temporary or permanent absence of that.
The First Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Sderkping, Sweden, on October 25-29 2004. The Second Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on November 8-10 2006. The current and future developments in Resilience Engineering will be covered by the Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering.prêts illimités
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LCPReavivar a sexualidade no casal : Todas as dicas para impulsionar a sua libido
Regaglia Laura
- 50 Minutes
- 9622404621103
Descubra todas as nossas dicas e truques para impulsionar a sua libido! Não é raro que um casal veja o seu desejo sexual diminuir com o tempo. Rotina, fadiga, condições patológicas... muitos factores podem impedir a libido! Contudo, é bastante possível manter uma vida sexual satisfatória com o seu parceiro, desde que esteja disposto a tomar as medidas necessárias. Este livro dar-lhe-á informações e soluções: compreender melhor a sua sexualidade; identificar o que afecta o seu desejo; impulsionar a sua libido; e muito mais!
60 prêts
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LCPThe dynamics of patient organizations in Europe
- Presses des Mines
- 9622309780011
Patient organizations today play a major role in the scientific, economic and political arenas. They have become the quasi-obliged partners of researchers, industrialists and political authorities. This book investigates this quite recent configuration by offering an in-depth exploration of three thematic issues: To what social and political stakes are patient organizations confronted as regards the transformation, production, circulation, and governance of knowledge? The involvement of patient organizations in the economic world is acknowledged as confrontational, especially when it comes to relationships with the pharmaceutical industry. To what extent do opposition, "instrumentalization", or cooperation constitute relevant models if we are to account for the multifaceted relationships between patient organizations and economic actors? Patient organisations are the structuring actors of networks, coalitions, and collectives throughout Europe. What social and political concerns arise from these particular forms of collective action on a national or European scale? Each question is first examined through an academic and grey literature review. Then the emerging topics and critical issues are identified and discussed, drawing upon exchanges of experiences, viewpoints, and reflections between actors involved in patients' and users' movements and social scientists. The dynamics of patient organizations in Europe raises a number of questions of interest for all actors from the health system, as well as for social scientists. This book intends to contribute to the reflection on further research agenda setting and policy-making.
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LCPHome care
- Presses des Mines
- 9622309800016
This book focuses on home as a site of care, with new technologies and for elderly population. It pulls together findings from research in the social sciences and common knowledge of the actors themselves, especially stakeholders involved in the design, delivery and receipt of `care in place'. It offers a wide-ranging discussion of key issues raised in both the academic and grey literature in relation to new technologies and responsibilities for health care at home. Then, it identifies critical issues arising from the development of these new care technologies in relation to their design and implementation. It will provide an essential resource for the EU in helping to avoid expensive and inappropriate development and healthcare systems that do not meet the needs of users and citizens.
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LCPFocal cortical dysplasias: new advances for curing epilepsy
Francine Chassoux, André Palmini
- John Libbey
- 9622311370019
The book marks the 50th anniversary of the first description of Taylor's focal cortical dysplasia, which revolutionized the world of epilepsy and traces the history of the evolution of concepts in the world of clinical and basic research.
A broad panel of experts in epileptology, neurophysiology, neuropathology, genetics, imaging and brain surgery who have been working on the subject for decades has put together this book, and take stock of the latest advances to better understand and treat epilepsies related to focal cortical dysplasias.
This book offers you:
Concrete information on the best use of all available tools and the most effective medical care.
The basis for possible targeted therapies developed from the latest advances in genetic and molecular research.
The + of the book
--> Dozens of illustrations : A selection of neuropathological slices, structural and functional imaging, surface and depth electroencephalographic recordings (SEEG), intraoperative views, explanatory diagrams and decision trees.
--> State-of-the-art techniques in multimodal imaging (high-field MRI, PET, SPECT, image post- processing), neurophysiology (SEEG, EEG-fMRI, MEG, EEG-HR) and neurosurgery (targeted resections in functional areas, alternative techniques) are detailed and clearly presented in a didactic approach.
--> It is written in English.prêts illimités
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LCPLorsque l'esprit influence le corps Tome 4 ; la sclérose en plaques
Salomon Sellam
- éditions Bérangel
- 3612226297774
Este volumen está dedicado a todas las personas interesadas por esta enfermedad, a los enfermos, a su entorno y a los profesionales de la salud. Paralelamente a la versión oficial, existe una versión psicosomática que se ha ido imponiendo con el análisis de la historia de los individuos afectados. Todos los puntos importantes se encuentran aquí detallados así como la conclusión de este amplio estudio sobre esclerosis múltiple. Sí, la esclerosis múltiple es accesible a la Psicosomática Clínica como lo atestiguan muchas personas diagnosticadas que han mejorado claramente o se han curado. La piedra angular psicosomática está constituida por la demostración de una lógica general, desarrollada aquí punto por punto. Varios elementos concretos la definen:
1 - Las circunstancias ligadas al acontecimiento y sobre todo a las emociones que producen el primer brote y los siguientes -el desencadenamiento de los síntomas. Todas están estrechamente ligadas a unos resentires concretos: desplazamiento, verticalidad, desvalorización, separación, miedo frontal y tiroides.
2 - La noción fundamental de la programación de esta enfermedad basada en dos elementos: el Proyecto Sentido Gestacional en cierta medida y el Transgeneracional en la gran mayoría de los casos analizados. Así pues, la historia familiar a lo largo de varias generaciones constituiría por sí sola el punto central y es lo que permite explicar la dinámica de instauración de todos los síntomas específicos. Su característica principal es la existencia de un Síndrome del Yaciente, la reparación transgeneracional automática de un fallecimiento injustificado/injustificable.
Los ejemplos clínicos detallados así como los capítulos dedicados a la terapéutica-consejos, técnicas y bloqueos-permitirán a cada individuo iniciar su propio camino hacia la mejoría o la curación de su enfermedad. Dr Salomon Sellam20 prêts
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LCPPublic policies and food systems in Latin America
Jean-françois Le coq, Catia Grisa, Stéphane Guéneau, Paulo Niederle
- 3612226257280
Solving the problem of hunger and malnutrition, producing and guaranteeing access to healthy food, preserving the environment, valuing local cultures and ensuring citizen participation are some of the challenges that permeate the dynamics of food systems. From different scales and perspectives of analysis, the book addresses the role of Latin American public policies and actions in the configuration of healthy and sustainable food systems.
20 prêts
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LCPThe role of EEG in the diagnosis and classification of the epilepsies and the epilepsy syndromes
Michalis Koutroumanidis
- John Libbey
- 9620103600016
An updated version of the ILAE classification and the differential diagnosis of epilepsies, written by international experts in clinical epileptology and EEG.The book covers the clinical and EEG features as well as the recording protocols of all paediatric and adult epilepsy syndromes, rates diagnostic confidence according to the findings in hand and the available clinical information.The combination of the clinical EEG information, its dynamic layout and the 150 EEGs makes this book a reference guide in daily clinical practice for all electroencephalographers, epileptologists, general and child neurologists, EEG technologists and epilepsy nurses
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LCPEpilepsy and cannabinoids
Alexis Arzimanoglou, Collectif
- John Libbey
- 3664181541928
There has been growing interest in the use of cannabis-based products for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, including epilepsy. A number of studies were published during the last 5 years
demonstrating efficacy of purified CBD for the control of a large spectrum of seizure-types, particularly those observed in severe childhood epilepsies, such as Lennox- Gastaut and Dravet syndromes. This book, co-authored by leaders in the field of epileptology, critically reviews recent data from clinical trials. Authors discuss issues related to pharmacology, drug interactions, efficacy, potential adverse events and
long-term effects on development and behaviour. Child and adult neurologists and all clinicians contributing to epilepsy care will find useful information on the best practices, when using purified CBD for the treatment of
drug-resistant epilepsies.prêts illimités
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LCPHealing with cannabis
Michka & Coll.
- Mama Editions
- 3612225977905
Medical cannabis has proven its effectiveness in treating many ailments. It is used legally in different states and traditionally in several parts of the world. In this book, leading international experts answer the most frequently asked questions concerning its modes of action and use.
What illnesses and symptoms can cannabis heal or relieve? How is it absorbed? What are the respective medicinal virtues of THC and CBD? What is the current state of scientific research? What cannabis-derived medications are available today? Which are preferable, natural products or synthetic cannabinoids? How can you grow therapeutic marijuana? What are the different legislations around the world concerning its medical use?
The author
Michka is widely respected as an expert in France and abroad on the subject of free access to plant medicine, and she has published numerous books and articles over the past thirty years. In Medical Cannabis, Michka is joined by Prof. Raphael Mechoulam-who discovered the THC and CBD molecules-as well as Prof. Manuel Guzman, Prof. Denis Richard, Jorge Cervantes, Robert Clarke, Chris Conrad, Philippe Lucas, Prof. Adriaan Jansen and Don E. Wirtshafter, J.D.
« This richly illustrated compendium shows how current attitudes toward medical cannabis are slowly changing-in spite of stubborn ideological resistance. »
Le Pharmacien de France
« This very serious and competent book opens up new horizons for those who wish to heal naturally, efficiently and knowingly. »
Mediapart20 prêts
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SANS LCPThe parisian diet : how to reach your right weight and stay there
Jean-Michel Cohen
- Flammarion
- 9782081520394
France's leading nutritionist Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen pinpoints why you struglle with other weight-loss diets and shows how to achieve your ideal weight while embracing life's pleasures.
The Parisian Diet is a progressive weight-loss plan that keeps you motivated through the Café, Bistro, and Gourmet phases until you reach your ideal weight. Strongly opposed to "extreme" diets and the inevitable weight gain that ensues, Dr. Cohen proposes a sensible
and holistic approach that addresses the physical, psychological, and cultural factors that impact our ability to control our relationship with food. His method encourages a global change in attitude towards what we eat. Based on habits and food choices typical of the Parisian lifestyle, the simple, delicious, and satisfying menus emphasize the use of fresh
ingredients and a balanced intake throughout the day. The Parisian Diet is not a fl ashin- the pan fad, it's a new approach to food and a way to celebrate life, helping you look and feel your best.25 prêts
3650 jours
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LCPMedical Cannabis ; From Marijuana to Synthetic Cannabinoids
- Mama Editions
- 3612225930702
This unique and timely book arrives just as a growing number of states are authorizing the use of medical cannabis.
Written by highly respected international specialists, it answers the most frequently asked questions about this unusual plant medicine, including:
o The diseases that can be helped or even healed by marijuana, and the ways in which the human body can absorb it.
o Where to obtain legal medical cannabis, and instructions on how to grow your own if it is unavailable for purchase.
o The respective medical attributes of THC and CBD, and the history of different marijuana varieties.
o The latest legislation in different parts of the world.
o The available pharmaceutical medications derived from marijuana, or from synthetic cannabinoids.
o The history of marijuana usage around the world, including legal purchase in the Dutch Coffee Shops.
This richly illustrated book provides a practical overview of therapeutic marijuana. With clarity and humor, it also offers an understanding of the complex issues surrounding this fascinating plant.
« A must read. »
France 3
« A precious work of synthesis. »
DNA20 prêts
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SANS LCPEncephalopathy related to status epilepticus during slow sleep : linking epilepsy, sleep disruption and cognitive impairment
Guido Rubboli, Carlo Alberto Tassinari
- John Libbey
- 3664181532407
In the last years, clinical data, neurophysiological and imaging investigations, as well as genetic studies have renewed the interest on ESES. In addition, experimental findings from sleep research have opened fascinating perspectives on some possible pathophysiological mechanisms involved in this condition.
These issues are presented and discussed in this book by clinicians, neurophysiologists, sleep physiologists and geneticists. They all have been working on ESES with the aim to provide an updated overview of this special syndrome in the light of recent research.prêts illimités
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LCPGrow organic in comics
Karel Schelfhout, Michiel Panhuysen, Denis Lelièvre
- Mama Editions
- 3612225925579
The bible of modern organic gardening in graphic format. Because a good illustration speaks volumes.
Welcome to a more ecologically balanced way of growing! With plenty of humor and lots of precise details, this book shows you how to create and maintain a well-designed, eco-responsible garden.
You'll learn everything you need to know about compost, plant propagation, and the little creatures and practices that contribute to the well-being of plant and planet alike - practices designed for growing delicious, healthful fruit and vegetables, as well as superb flowers.
Bokashi and biodynamic composting, permaculture, vortex, bioponics, and a host of other terms and techniques appear in vivid, practical detail.
Based on the work of Karel the Gardener, Pic's illustrations highlight the very essence of gardening: delight. First, the delight of enjoying the book! Then the delight of cultivating, watching things grow, harvesting, and savoring. And finally, the delight of knowing that all of these techniques help protect the planet.
A vast compendium of innovative methods and tried-and-true gardening advice, this effervescent guide is a must for any gardener who wishes to grow in good conscience.
The authors
Denis Lelièvre, a.k.a. "Pic," is a French illustrator, sculptor, comic book author, and gardener. Among other creations, his comic strip Pic et Zou appears in the weekly Franco-Belgian publication Spirou.
Grow Organic in Comics is freely adapted from The Organic Grow Book by Karel Schelfhout & Michiel Panhuysen.
Karel Schelfhout has been a prominent authority in the field of horticulture for over thirty years. After playing a major role in promulgating high-tech gardening techniques developed in the Netherlands, Karel now champions growing organic.
Michiel Panhuysen, a journalist published in several languages, specializes in organic farming and urban gardening.
« You'll know absolutely everything there is to know about growing confidently and conscientiously. »
Actua Comics
« An Indispensable Book. »
Garden Culture20 prêts
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20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPAtlas of electroencephalography v.3 ; EEG, Neurology and critical care
Philippe Gélisse, Arielle Crespel
- John Libbey
- 3664181532339
The third volume of the series of Atlases deals with the use and usefulness of electroencephalography (EEG) in neurology.
While EEG is universally recognized as a first-order investigation method in epilepsy (see Volume 2), and as an important contributor in sleep medicine, practical neurology has tended to neglect the value of this classical and established neurophysiological tool. A rich, extensively commented and analyzed collection of EEG plates is presented here.
The reader will be compelled to remember that EEG is the easiest way to assess parameters like state of vigilance, risk of seizure activity, type and degree of functional impairment, in a very clinical and practical setting. The authors cover many aspects of neurological practices where the EEG may help in diagnosis and treatment: metabolic and other encephalopathies, infectious and inflammatory conditions, vascular disorders. It is particularly useful -and difficult- to distinguish between epileptic phenomena and EEG changes associated with metabolic abnormalities: a careful assessment of the EEG is of paramount practical importance here. Migraine is not always simple and there are many overlaps with other types of neurological diseases: the EEG may play a major part in helping the clinician in doubtful cases. Similarly, the diagnosis of dementia does certainly not rest on the EEG but many particular aspects concerning diagnostic overlaps or copathologies are aptly explored by the EEG. Lastly, even the neurosurgeon may need the EEG to monitor trauma, tumor, bleeding...
This Atlas will provide both examples and guidelines for the optimal use of the EEG in neurology.prêts illimités
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LCPAtlas of electroencephalography v.1 ; awake and sleep EEG
Philippe Gélisse, Arielle Crespel
- John Libbey
- 3664181532360
Fully updated and revised, the 3rd edition of the Atlas of Electroencephalography volume 1: Awake and Sleep EEG, activation procedures and artifacts retains the format and presentation that made the previous editions successful.
It is the most comprehensive EEG atlas on activation procedures, artifacts and normal EEG, covering the full spectrum of normal and unusual patterns observed during wakefulness and sleep, in children and adults. It will significantly help the visual analysis of EEG by neurologists and other specialists as well as technologists.
Electroencephalograms are shown in their native format, exactly as they appear in daily practice. Each plate is analyzed, in order to highlight the most significant elements to be used in diagnosis and interpretation. This 3rd edition includes a total of 180 EEG plates.
Philippe Gélisse and Arielle Crespel are neurologists running the Epilepsy Unit at the Montpellier University Hospital, in France. Both have extensive national and international experience in teaching about EEG and they have written numerous scientific publications in the field.prêts illimités
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LCPAtlas of electroencephalography v.2 ; the epilepsies, EEG and epileptic syndromes
Philippe Gélisse, Arielle Crespel
- John Libbey
- 3664181532384
Fully revised and updated, this second edition of the second volume of the Atlases of electroencephalography series includes more than 2/3 new high-quality digital figures. A new Classification approach to epileptic seizures and to the epilepsies became official in 2017. Several aspects in terms of terminology have been included in this book and most of the chapters have been rewritten.
The second volume of this series on the practical use and interpretation of EEG focuses on epilepsies in their diversity. It is richly illustrated, and each EEG plate is analyzed in order to highlight the most significant elements to be used both for the diagnosis and interpretation. The originality of this textbook lies in its patient-based approach, thereby avoiding the pitfall of a formal presentation of EEG documents without their clinical context. Hence electroencephalography is placed at the core of the diagnostic and therapeutic discussion concerning patients with epilepsy.
Given the practical orientation of this Atlas, the focus is on common forms of epilepsies; nevertheless, some less common, more intriguing forms have also been illustrated. A synthetic text summarizes the present approach to the main epilepsy categories.
This Atlas is designed for all the actors who may be involved with patients with epilepsy. Physicians who deal with EEG will find it a valuable tool to improve the education of their early years, to help them with their interpretations later on, and for teaching purposes when more experienced. But it will also prove useful for all the physicians interested in epilepsy, as well as EEG technologists intent on providing quality recordings, and other professionals. Thorough understanding of human epilepsies requires extensive knowledge of their EEG correlates.prêts illimités
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LCPMarie Curie : The Pioneer of Radioactivity
- 50 Minutes
- 9611619341104
Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the life and career of Marie Curie in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the life and work of Marie Curie, whose pioneering work on radioactivity revolutionised our understanding of the nature of matter and paved the way for innovative new treatments of cancer and various other illnesses. With Nobel Prizes in physics (1903) and chemistry (1911), Curie overcame both sexism in the overwhelmingly male scientific world and xenophobia after moving to France from her native Poland to carve out a place for herself at the forefront of scientific research. Her tenacity, intellectual brilliance and determination to use her discoveries to develop new medical treatments through the Radium Institute make her a role model for individuals of all nationalities, genders and walks of life.
In just 50 minutes you will:
o Learn about Curie's groundbreaking work on radioactivity and its applications
o Gain an understanding of the historical, social and scientific context in which she was working
o Discover her incredible legacy as both a pioneering scientist and a woman in a male-dominated field
ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture
50MINUTES.COM will enable you to quickly understand the main events, people, conflicts and discoveries from world history that have shaped the world we live in today. Our publications present the key information on a wide variety of topics in a quick and accessible way that is guaranteed to save you time on your journey of discovery.
60 prêts
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LCPCuida tu salud con el shiatsu
- 50 Minutes
- 9611424811106
¡Cuídate por dentro y por fuera gracias al shiatsu!
¿Sientes que tu energía está desequilibrada? ¿Te gustaría volver a estar en paz contigo mismo?
En esta guía práctica encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el shiatsu, que te permitirá ejercitar tu cuerpo y tu mente para vivir en armonía.
En tan solo 50 minutos, conseguirás:
o Saber de primera mano los principios que sirven de base para el shiatsu, una técnica relajante y terapéutica que proviene de Japón
o Descubrir la teoría de los cinco elementos y los meridianos, que te ayudarán a mejorar la práctica del shiatsu
o Acompañar el shiatsu de otros aspectos, como una dieta adecuada y técnicas de respiración, para sentirte mejor
SOBRE 50MINUTOS.ES | Salud y bienestar
50MINUTOS.ES te ofrece los mejores trucos y consejos para lograr que te sientas satisfecho en tu día a día. Si lo que necesitas es un cambio que transforme tu
vida, ¡no sigas buscando!
Nuestras obras combinan conocimientos teóricos con testimonios y casos prácticos que solventarán todas tus dudas y te ayudarán a superar tus problemas sin perder el tiempo.
¿A qué esperas para darle un giro a tu vida?
60 prêts
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LCPMarie Curie
- 50 Minutes
- 9611424851102
Este libro es una guía práctica y accesible para saber más sobre Marie Curie, que le aportará la información esencial y le permitirá ganar tiempo.
En tan solo 50 minutos, usted podrá:
o Conocer la vida y obra de Marie Curie, que se traslada a Francia desde su Polonia natal para estudiar y acaba convirtiéndose en una de las figuras de la ciencia más importantes de la historia
o Entender el arduo trabajo que realiza junto a su marido, Pierre Curie, y que desemboca en el descubrimiento de la radiactividad y en la concesión de dos premios Nobel
o Analizar las repercusiones de sus descubrimientos tanto en la física como en la medicina, que se ve revolucionada con el desarrollo de tratamientos contra el cáncer
50MINUTOS.ES le ofrece las claves para entender rápidamente los principales acontecimientos históricos que cambiaron el mundo.
Nuestras obras narran de forma rápida y eficaz una gran variedad de acontecimientos históricos clave de distintas épocas, desde la Antigua Grecia hasta la caída del muro de Berlín.
¡Descubra en un tiempo récord la historia que ha marcado el rumbo del mundo!
60 prêts
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LCPPediatric epilepsy surgery
- John Libbey
- 3664181532025
In 1997, Jean AICARDI, one of the most brilliant child neurologists of our era, commented on "How the view has changed" in the field of pediatric epilepsy surgery: "Surgery for epilepsy has now become a realistic therapeutic option for selected children and the field is likely to increase in the near future. It is now realised that procrastination, in the hope that new antiepileptic drugs will become efficacious, is not justified for some forms of epilepsy that can often be recognised from onset or after a relatively short course. It is also becoming clear that surgery is not reserved for a highly selected population of patients with normal intelligence and focal seizures, but may also help a proportion of more severe epilepsies if a realistic view of the problem and perspectives is taken by the partners".
Twenty years later, the most obvious and probably still the strongest reasons against epilepsy surgery in children are cultural and psychological. This book, written by members of the ad hoc ILAE Task Force for pediatric epilepsy surgery and experts in the field, is the result of continued collaborative working between pediatric epilepsy surgery centres over the years. Authors critically review all available data and set out the key elements of presurgical evaluation, the specific electro-clinical presentations per etiology, the range of outcomes to be monitored, and the surgical techniques used today.
What becomes obvious when reviewing all available data is that the key to optimized outcome in children with epilepsy is early appropriate recognition of possible surgical candidates and timely referral to centres with expertise.prêts illimités
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LCPProgressive myoclonus épilepsies ; state of the art
Berge a. Minassian, Pascale Striano, Giuliano Avanzini
- John Libbey
- 3664181532193
Progressive myoclonus epilepsy strikes healthy children and has a slow yet devastating impact upon their lives. Almost all forms are caused by single gene defects, the majority of which were identified during the genomic era.
Accurate clinical diagnosis is now straightforward and research into pathogenesis builds upon our understanding of causation. Future research is likely to lead to new therapeutic approaches while providing us with a better understanding of how the brain, the very essence of our being, operates, gene by gene. As we stand on the cusp of the post-genomic era, the emergence of unprecedented new tools, such as CRISPR and adeno-associated viruses, offers hope that these monogenetic diseases may one day be eliminated altogether.
This book outlines the genetic, pathogenetic, pathological, and clinical aspects of progressive myoclonus epilepsies within the context of the post-genomic era.prêts illimités
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LCPVisual impairments and neurodevelopmental disorders ; from diagnosis to rehabilitation
Elisa Fazzi, Paolo Emilio Bianchi
- John Libbey
- 3664181532094
A comprehensive review of visual impairment in children and possible solutions
The rising number of cases in visual disorders during development, over the last decade, has strongly influenced approaches to diagnosis and rehabilitation.
Moreover, the study of visual function has evolved not only within an ophthalmological, but also a neurodevelopmental framework: advances in our understanding of the maturation and plasticity of visual system functioning have further guided the progress of such approaches. As a result, the key importance of the developmental age is now widely acknowledged, from as early as the first months of life.
This book provides an overview of the diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders in relation to advances in neurodevelopmental studies. The concept of early and multimodal management is discussed, with a focus on neuro-psycho-ophthalmological issues. The need for training courses aimed at updating semiological aspects and methodological and rehabilitative strategies is established, as being of significant value to clinical practice.prêts illimités
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LCPAn article has been added to your cart