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Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers
Spatialization in lca ; ecosd annual workshop 2017
Aissani Lynda
- Presses des Mines
- 9622181210019
The EcoSD network is a French association whose main objective is to encourage collaboration between academic and industrial researchers so they may create and spread advanced and multidisciplinary knowledge in the eco-design fields at national and international levels.
EcoSD proposes several actions with the support of the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research, and the French Ministry of Industry:
Structuring EcoSD research activities in France to take advantage of the expertiseof more than 200 members of this research network
Developing knowledge among researchers in the eco-design fields, particularly better training of Ph.D. students, by organizing relevant training courses for different themes in eco-design
Developing new methods, tools and databases to achieve complex systems design, compatible with the principle of sustainable development
Initiating the "EcoSD label" to acknowledge the quality and inclusion of sustainable development in training, research programs, research projects and symposiums
Helping interactive collaboration between researchers and industrial partners byorganizing quarterly research seminars in Paris and an annual workshop.
Approximately 100 researchers from industry, academia and government institutions participated in the 2017 workshop on "Spatialization in LCA" and had the opportunity to exchange with experts. The associated publication contains a synthesis of the main
contributions presented during this workshop
The objectives of the workshop were to cross different visions, methods and case studies gathering the most recent researches in France, Canada and Luxembourg. Researchers were invited to present their work in various application fields: agricultural,
construction, waste management and urban planning. An industrial from energy sector and a regional authority were also invited to explain how they consider spatial information in their actual practices. This book contains a synthesis of the main contributions presented during this workshop divided into three sections: existing and advanced tools, integrated approach, and, perspectives for spatialization in LCA.prêts illimités
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LCPMagique cosmos : des quarks aux quasars, les secrets de l'univers
Tim James
- Dunod
- 9618911630912
Le Big Bang prouve-t-il l'existence de Dieu ? Dans quoi l'Univers se développe-t-il ? La Terre est-elle la seule planète abritant la vie ? Pourquoi le plus grand astronome de l'histoire a-t-il tué son élan de compagnie ? Saviez-vous qu'il neige du métal sur Vénus, qu'il y a des lacs souterrains sur Mars et des rivières de pétrole sur Titan ?
L'espace est l'objet le plus grand, le plus ancien, le plus chaud, le plus froid et le plus étrange qu'un humain puisse étudier. Dans Magique Cosmos, Tim James nous emmène faire un tour de l'univers connu (et inconnu), tout en déballant les dernières théories sur ce qui s'y passe réellement. Il nous fait découvrir la science de l'espace dans ce qu'elle a de plus étrange.
En nous guidant à travers la relativité d'Einstein, la mécanique quantique et la théorie des cordes, Magique Cosmos explore les recoins les plus déroutants de l'univers et s'attaque aux plus grands mystères auxquels nous sommes confrontés : de la vie extraterrestre au zodiaque ; des trous blancs aux trous de ver ; des quasars aux quarks.
Tim James nous emmène aussi au-delà de notre système solaire, vers des exoplanètes qui pourraient abriter la vie et des planètes voyous. Il nous raconte la recherche d'intelligence extraterrestre, notamment la découverte de fossiles martiens dans la météorite Alan Hills, et le tentant "signal Wow" reçu par la Terre en 1973 - encore inexpliqué.30 prêts
60 mois
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LCPLand food and use security in 2050 : a narrow road : Agrimonde-Terra
Mora/Le Mouel
- 3612226046204
After a first foresight study on `World food security in 2050' (Agrimonde), CIRAD and INRA have turned their attention to a new foresight exercise on `Land use and food security in 2050' (Agrimonde-Terra). This new study seeks to highlight levers that could modify ongoing land-use patterns for improved food and nutrition security.
Agrimonde-Terra proposes a trend analysis on the global context, climate change, food diets, urban-rural linkages, farm structures, cropping and livestock systems, and explores five scenarios. Three scenarios entitled `Metropolization', `Regionalization' and `Households' are based on current competing trends identified in most world regions. Two scenarios entitled `Healthy' and `Communities' involve potential breaks that could change the entire land use and food security system. The `Healthy' scenario is the only one that makes it possible to achieve sustainable world food and nutrition security in 2050. Nevertheless, current trends in agricultural and food systems in most parts of the world converge towards the `Metropolization' scenario, which is not sustainable in terms of both land use and human health. Therefore, changing the course of ongoing trends in favor of sustainable land uses and healthy food systems will be one of the main challenges of the next decades. It will require systemic transformation, strong and coherent public policies across sectors and scales, and consistent actions from a wide range of actors.
This foresight provides a large information base on land uses, food systems and food security and constitutes a tool box to stimulate debates, imagine new policies and innovations. It aims to empower decision makers, stakeholders, non-governmental organizations and researchers to develop a constructive dialogue on the futures of land uses and food security at either world, regional and national levels.
20 prêts
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LCPEurope's quest for universe
Leo Woltjer
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759815425
Some of the more striking results obtained or anticipated on the ground or in space at radio, infrared and visible wavelengths and in X-, gamma-ray and cosmic-rays are covered. The roles of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are stressed, but national initiatives are also touched upon. Input into the research system in the form of financing and personnel and output as publications are evaluated. The time frame covered extends from around 1980 till about 2020. While this book centers on European developments, comparisons with what others are doing are included.
After the war Europe in science had fallen far behind the US. Thanks to European cooperation equality has again been reached. Through ESO's Very Large Telescope and ESA's missions, like the Infrared Space Observatory, X- and gamma- ray satellites, Mars Express and others, Europe is fully and independently present at the forefront. The need to integrate the scientists and engineers from the new EU countries into the overall organization of European science is noted, an integration which ultimately could extend even further eastward. This book addresses a wide audience: astronomers and space scientists, students, politicians involved in science funding, amateur astronomers and the educated public with an interest in the science and technology achievable by European cooperation.30 prêts
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