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Sciences physiques
11 produits trouvés
Quantum phisics, fibre theory : Gravitational force...expansion, dark matter, time.
Patrice Uguet
- Publishroom
- 9625607141102
Patrice Uguet is an independent researcher, engineer by trade. A true realist.
He looks for explanations and descriptions of still unexplained quantum phenomena.
We discover with great surprise and great pleasure what entanglement could actually mean.
He tries to rationally solve the EPR paradox and nonlocality.
A new fibre theory is slowly born, structured, logical, elegant.
He brings a new light to the current quantum physics notions that are vague or unexplained: the gravitational force, the expansion accelerating or dark matter.
His realistic description of time passing by is quite singular.ebook (ePub) 8.99 €60 prêts
durée illimitée
30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPMagique quantique : Comment la physique quantique peut tout expliquer ... sauf la gravité !
Tim James
- Dunod
- 9623856450914
Au début du XXe siècle, la science semblait complète et les lois de la nature presque toutes découvertes, mais des chercheurs intrépides ont réveillé un géant endormi en découvrant la mécanique quantique.
Dans le monde quantique, les objets peuvent se trouver en deux endroits à la fois, le voyage dans le temps est non seulement possible, mais nécessaire, la cause et l'effet peuvent s'inverser, et la simple observation d'un objet change son état.
Des univers parallèles à l'antimatière, laissez-vous guider par le facétieux Tim James à la découverte des bizarreries du monde de l'infiniment petit !ebook (ePub) 19.98 €30 prêts
60 mois
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LCPMagique atome : comment le tableau périodique des éléments peut (presque) tout expliquer
Tim James
- Dunod
- 9621073220914
Quelle est la formule chimique d'un être humain ? Quelle est la
substance la plus dangereuse de l'histoire ? Quels sont les neuf
éléments qui ont radicalement changé le monde ?
Ce livre vous emmène à la découverte des 118 briques fondamentales
de la matière : les atomes ! Au cours de ce voyage, vous rencontrerez
le célèbre savant Dmitri Mendeleïev, inventeur du tableau périodique
des éléments, et serez initié avec humour et sans effort aux mystères
de la matière, à la radioactivité et même à la fusion nucléaire...ebook (ePub) 37.48 €30 prêts
60 mois
1 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPEine kurze Geschichte der Zeit. Zusammenfassung & Analyse des Bestsellers von Stephen Hawking
- 50 Minutes
- 9615989901104
Prägnante Zusammenfassung und kritische Analyse zu Stephen Hawkings Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit
Stephen Hawking ist einer der bekanntesten theoretischen Physiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. In Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit beschreibt er leicht verständlich, wo sich der Forschungsstand der Kosmologie befindet. Er beginnt dazu im antiken Griechenland und geht auf verschiedene Erkenntnisse ein, die das wissenschaftliche Denken beeinflusst haben, darunter die Entwicklung des heliozentrischen Weltbilds, die Newtonschen Gesetzen und Einsteins allgemeine und spezielle Relativitätstheorien. Außerdem bespricht er aktuellere Forschung der Quantenmechanik und die bislang noch vergeblichen Versuche, eine vereinheitlichte Theorie aufzustellen, die das gesamte Universum erklären kann.
Nach 50 Minuten kennen Sie:
die Theorien, auf denen die heutige Kosmologie aufbaut
Hawkings Beitrag zur Erforschung des Universums
Hawkings Schlussfolgerungen für die zukünftige Forschung
Eine neue Perspektive in nur 50 Minuten Bestseller auf den Punkt gebracht!
Die Serie Non-Fiction kompakt der Reihe 50Minuten eignet sich für Leserinnen und Leser, die von Experten lernen mchten, ohne dabei viele Stunden in die Lektüre zu investieren. Prägnante Zusammenfassungen vermitteln kompakt die wichtigsten Inhalte bedeutender Bestseller, inklusive spannender Zusatzinformationen zu Kontext und Autoren. Kritische Analysen beleuchten außerdem unterschiedliche Perspektiven zu den dargestellten Konzepten, deren Schwächen, Stärken und weitere Anknüpfungspunkte. Und all das in nur 50 Minuten! Die Bücher sind sowohl im Papierformat als auch digital erhältlich.ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
durée illimitée
30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPBook Review: A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking : A summary of humanity's study of the universe
- 50 Minutes
- 9614618901102
It can be hard for busy professionals to find the time to read the latest books. Stay up to date in a fraction of the time with this concise guide.
As its name suggests, A Brief History of Time sets out the history of our understanding of time and the universe around us. In this bestselling and highly influential book, Stephen Hawking seeks to explain how the universe works and find out where we came from and where we are going, in an accessible style that can be understood even by readers with no prior knowledge of the subject. This clarity and accessibility made A Brief History of Time a publishing phenomenon: it spent over two years on the New York Times bestseller list and has been translated into over 30 languages, making it one of the most influential popular science books ever written. Stephen Hawking was one of the most respected scientists of the 20th century, and is remembered in particular for his work on general relativity and black holes.
This book review and analysis is perfect for:
oStudents of physics at all levels
oAnyone who wants to gain a better understanding of how the universe works
oAnyone who wants to learn about the history of physics and cosmology
The Book Review series from the 50Minutes collection is aimed at anyone who is looking to learn from experts in their field without spending hours reading endless pages of information. Our reviews present a concise summary of the main points of each book, as well as providing context, different perspectives and concrete examples to illustrate the key concepts.ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
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30 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPModelling of coagulation processes and removal of non-metallic inclusions at melt's inert gas flushing inside a ladle
Kaoma Mulenga Michou
- Connaissances & Savoirs
- 3612225724622
The present work is devoted to optimization based upon physical and mathematical modelling of calcium treatment processes for low-alloy steel grades in Ladle, using Steel Refining Unit (SRU). The widely applicable method of calcium injection into ladle on Steel Refining Unit by means of Flux-Cored Wire (FCW) or the method of silicocalcium blowing-in often requires significant flow rate of calcium containing alloys to ensure the necessary concentration of calcium and sulfur in the finished steel. Methods of mathematical modelling are widely applied for the purpose of improvement of calcium alloys injection modes into ladle. However, mainly heating processes in the ladle are taken into consideration in this connection; meanwhile hydrodynamic processes are accounted only partially. At the same time, interfacial reactions of the metal with steam bubbles play a significant role in the processes of interaction between calcium and supernatant liquid, whereby sulfur and oxygen that are dissolved in steel take part in the reactions described above. Nevertheless, only single quantitative estimates are known for kinetics of mass exchanging processes in the ladle. Finally, efficiency of calcium treatment depends on chemical composition of steel. Probability of low-melting calcium aluminates formation, which ensure improvement of pouring capacity, depends not only on the frequently used proportion of [Ca] to [Al], but also on conditions of steel oxidation and sulfur content in the steel. Therefore, optimization of injection modes for calcium containing alloys based on the thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of steel deoxidation and modification conditions, as well as on the mathematical modelling of mass exchanging processes, represents a crucial scientific and technical challenge of nowadays.
ebook (ePub) 4.49 €20 prêts
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20 Prêt(s) simultané(s)
LCPPhysics in daily life
Jo Hermans
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759816040
Finally the Europhysics News columns, Physics in Daily Life, are brought together in one inspiring volume. These pages hold the wonders of a candle flame, the secret of surviving the sauna heat, and the mysteries of bubbles and balloons. Find answers to questions like Why is water blue? How do we localize sound? Why is ice so slippery? and What is the speed of falling raindrops?
For everybody with a bit of physics background this book playfully reveals insights into everyday conundrums. This is science at its most accessible and satisfying.ebook (ePub) 18.00 €30 prêts
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LCPNuclear medicine ; radioactivity for diagnosis and therapy
Richard Zimmermann
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759815814
Nuclear medicine is a specialized medical field based on the application of radiopharmaceuticals, i.e. drugs associated to radioactivity, for diagnosis or therapeutic purposes. In the past fifty years, nuclear medicine has progressed in such a way that it is now a major tool in hospitals. Nowadays, this technology enables to better detect, observe and describe diseases, and also to improve treatments. Cancer therapy is the main application of this speciality. Once injected to the patient, the radiopharmaceutical drug aims selectively at the tumoral cells, including the metastases, settles there and emits radiation. Depending on the type of radiation, the drug will either help to identify the cells or to destroy them. Recent breakthroughs in this technology bring new perspectives to oncology, haematology and neurology.
At the same time, since the beginning of the 21st century nuclear medicine has also benefited from a double revolution in terms of imaging technology. On the one hand, the Positron Emission Tomography (PET) made a real impact with a polyvalent imaging drug called FDG. On the other hand, a new tool combining functional and morphological imaging (PET-CT) was very recently made available to the medical community. This scientific book aims to introduce nuclear medicine to a larger audience, pointing out, among other things, the difficulties both physicians and patients meet when trying to access new technologies. There are still some issues to overcome, but recent scientific breakthroughs bring great hopes for patients in the near future.ebook (pdf) 20.00 €30 prêts
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LCPAtom movements ; diffusion and mass transport in solids
Jean Philibert
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759813438
The present book is the result of diverse courses on diffusion. It is intended to give as complete an overview as possible of diffusion in solid media, while relating the process of diffusion to both their physical bases and their applications. A series of a real situations is covered in this account, from self-diffusion of radiotracers to the more complex cases of mass flow under chemical or thermal gradients or under electric fields, or diffusion in structures of lower dimensionality (surfaces and interfaces).
In all these analyses, no category of materials was favored; metals, ionic crystals, oxydes, and semiconductors all had their turn. Only polymers were not specifically touched. One chapter is specifically devoted to techniques for studying diffusion, including methods of numerical simulation, and a last and long chapter gives a number of metallurgical phenomena in which diffusion plays a fundamental role.ebook (pdf) 70.00 €30 prêts
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LCPCurrent trends in radiation protection
Henri Métivier
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759814466
Organizers of the 11th IRPA International Congress have wished to take advantage of this occasion to launch a new series of books dedicaded to review the current important problems of concern in radioprotection assembling within this book contributions from the worldwide and most famous specialists in their respective fields. All aspects of radioprotection are treated, throught synthetic articles accessible to all.
ebook (pdf) 51.00 €30 prêts
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LCPThermodynamics and phase tranformations ; the selected works of Mats Hillert
John Agren, Yves Bréchet, Christopher Hutchinson, Gary Purdy, Jean Philibert
- EDP Sciences
- Sciences des matériaux
- 9782759815852
For more than a half-century, Mats Hillert has contributed greatly to the Science of Materials. He is widely known and respected as an innovator and educator, a scientist with an enormous breadth of interest and depth of insight. The difficult choice of twenty-four papers from a publication list of more than three hundred was carried out in consultation with him. He also suggested or approved names of those scientists who would be invited to write brief introductions to each of the papers.
A brief reading of the topics of the selected papers and their introductions reveals something of their range and depth. Several early selections - including internal reports of the Swedish Institute for Metal Research, published here in their original shape - contained seminal material that established Mats as a leading figure in the study of phase transformations in solids. Others established his presence in the areas of solidification and computational thermodynamics.
This volume represents a judicious sampling only of Mats Hillert's extensive body of work; it is necessarily incomplete, but it is hoped and expected that it will prove useful to students of Material Science and Engineering at all levels, and that it will inspire the further study and appreciation of his many contributions.ebook (pdf) 46.00 €30 prêts
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