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10 produits trouvés
Proceedings of the fourth resilience engineering symposium. june 8-10 2011, soph
Denis Besnard
- Presses des Mines
- 9622332060012
These proceedings document the various presentations at the Fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium held on June 8-10, 2011, in Sophia-Antipolis, France. The Symposium gathered participants from five continents and provided them with a forum to exchange experiences and problems, and to learn about Resilience Engineering from the latest scientific achievements to recent practical applications. The First Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Sderkping, Sweden, on October 25-29 2004. The Second Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on November 8-10 2006, The Third Resilience Engineering Symposium was held in Juan-les-Pins, France, on October 28-30 2008. Since the first Symposium, resilience engineering has fast become recognised as a valuable complement to the established approaches to safety. Both industry and academia have recognised that resilience engineering offers valuable conceptual and practical basis that can be used to attack the problems of interconnectedness and intractability of complex socio-technical systems. The concepts and principles of resilience engineering have been tested and refined by applications in such fields as air traffic management, offshore production, patient safety, and commercial fishing. Continued work has also made it clear that resilience is neither limited to handling threats and disturbances, nor confined to situations where something can go wrong. Today, resilience is understood as the intrinsic ability of a system to adjust its functioning prior to, during, or following changes and disturbances, so that it can sustain required operations under both expected and unexpected conditions. This definition emphasizes the ability to continue functioning, rather than simply to react and recover from disturbances and the ability to deal with diverse conditions of functioning, expected as well as unexpected. For anyone who is interested in learning more about Resilience Engineering, the books published in the Ashgate Studies in Resilience Engineering provide an excellent starting point. Another sign that Resilience Engineering is coming of age is the establishment of the Resilience Engineering Association. The goal of this association is to provide a forum for coordination and exchange of experiences, by bringing together researchers and professionals working in the Resilience Engineering domain and organisations applying or willing to apply Resilience Engineering principles in their operations. The Resilience Engineering Association held its first General Assembly during the Fourth Symposium, and will in the future play an active role in the organisation of symposia and other activities related to Resilience Engineering.
ebook (pdf) 26.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPLa teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin : L'origine delle specie
Romain Parmentier
- 50 Minutes
- 9622074341103
Nel 1859 fu pubblicato il libro fondamentale di Charles Darwin "L'origine delle specie per mezzo della selezione naturale", che presentava l'idea rivoluzionaria che tutte le specie sulla Terra sono il risultato di un lento processo evolutivo e continuano a evolversi nell'ambito della lotta oggi comunemente nota come sopravvivenza del più adatto. Le conclusioni di Darwin erano il frutto di molti anni di attenta osservazione, ma si rivelarono controverse perché sfidavano il dogma religioso dominante e rivoluzionavano la nostra comprensione del mondo che ci circonda. In soli 50 minuti, imparerete a conoscere i contributi di Darwin e Alfred Russel Wallace alla biologia e a comprendere il grande impatto che le loro idee hanno avuto sul pensiero scientifico del XIX secolo. Questo libro, semplice e informativo, fornisce una discussione approfondita delle idee contenute in L'origine delle specie e delle osservazioni su cui si basano. Presenta inoltre le biografie di Darwin e Wallace, una preziosa introduzione al contesto politico, sociale ed economico e una valutazione dell'impatto della teoria dell'evoluzione, fornendo tutte le informazioni essenziali sullo sviluppo del darwinismo. La teoria dell'evoluzione di Darwin: La teoria dell'evoluzione sostiene che le specie non sono immutabili, come implica il creazionismo, ma piuttosto che sono il risultato di un lento processo di evoluzione da un antenato comune. Darwin fece le osservazioni che gettarono le basi della sua teoria della selezione naturale durante il viaggio a bordo del Beagle e lavorò costantemente per perfezionarle nei 20 anni successivi prima di pubblicare il suo libro rivoluzionario.
ebook (ePub) 6.99 €60 prêts
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LCPAn introduction to innovative design
- Presses des Mines
- 3664181497638
While innovation has always been the lifeblood of any economic system, the forms this notion takes today may seem confusing. These new design regimes require to collectively support creative reasoning which strongly destabilize the traditional representations we have of known objects and organizations.
C-K theory was born in Management Science Lab of Mines ParisTech in a modeling effort the activities undertaken in innovative design processes. The prospect of a better understanding of the characteristics of design led to the development of formal and practical aspects of C-K theory. If the theory is now established in the academic world and applied in a variety of industrial contexts, it had not yet been presented to a wider audience.
This book presents briefly some elements of theory illustrated by examples as well as tools and methods that have been developed jointly by researchers and their industrial partners.
Marine Agogué, Sophie Hooge, Frédéric Arnoux and Ingi Brown did their PhD at the Chair "Design Theory and Methods for Innovation" from Mines ParisTech on different aspects of the management of innovative design. Having developed tools, methods and teaching material on design theory, they still contribute to the Chair's research program as researchers or practioners.
"This book abstracts away from the mathematical foundation of C-K to provide a broader audience with a map to the world of innovation, competitiveness and their management afforded by C-K theory and its derived tools and methods. For the first time in English, readers have in one place a comprehensive concise summary of the basic ideas of C-K theory, situated in the history of other theories and perspectives, and the diverse interpretations of C-K ideas for supporting and managing innovation."
Prof. Yoram Reich - Tel Aviv University President, Israel Institute for Empowering Ingenuity
Foreword by Prof. Armand Hatchuel and Prof. Benoit Weil, Mines ParisTech
Afterword by Georges Amar, Researcher in Prospective, former director of the Prospective and Innovative Design department of RATP
Afterword by Carl Trémoureux, French General Council for Armamentsebook (pdf) 10.99 €prêts illimités
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LCPA biology for development
François Gros
- EDP Sciences
- 9782759813711
Where will humanity stand at the dawn of the 22nd century? The answer depends on our determination to control the powerful transformations that accompany the beginning of the 21st: unprecedented demographic growth, ageing of populations, irrepressible migratory flows, dramatic reduction of some natural resources, disruption of millennial climatic cycles, rapid spread of new pathologies...
A number of these transformations are part of the generally complex, often inevitable evolution of our planet, not only geo-ecologically, but also in economics, politics, society... However, many of them present a challenge to development, that unique ability of human societies to improve their condition.
To cope with these evolutions and threats, the resources offered by science have never seemed so crucial, even if science alone cannot provide the answer. Nothing less than a scientific revolution is needed, a revolution that will give us more durable control of our destiny, leading to a world of greater solidarity and respect of our environment.
All, or almost all, scientific disciplines are concerned. But the life sciences are more than any other, already engaged as they are today in a process of profound change in their concepts, exploratory techniques and applications.ebook (pdf) 26.00 €30 prêts
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LCPInspired by technology, driven by pedagogy - a systemic approach to technology-based school innovati
- 3612225180381
This report highlights key issues to facilitate understanding of how a systemic approach to technology-based school innovations can contribute to quality education for all while promoting a more equal and effective education system. It focuses on the novel concept of systemic innovation, as well as presenting the emerging opportunities to generate innovations that stem from Web 2.0 and the important investments and efforts that have gone into the development and promotion of digital resources. It also shows alternative ways to monitor, assess and scale up technology-based innovations. Some country cases, as well as fresh and alternative research frameworks, are presented.
Today, sufficient return on public investments in education and the ability to innovate are more important than ever. This was the conclusion of the international conference on "The School of Tomorrow, Today" organised by the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation with the support of the Secretariat of Education of the State Santa Catarina (Brazil), in November 2009. The conference and this resulting report share the overall goal of addressing the issue of how education systems achieve technology-based innovations.ebook (ePub) 22.99 €20 prêts
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LCPUranium 2009 : resources, production anddemand
- 3612225180015
With several countries currently building nuclear power plants and planning the construction of more to meet long-term increases in electricity demand, uranium resources, production and demand remain topics of notable interest. In response to the projected growth in demand for uranium and declining inventories, the uranium industry - the first critical link in the fuel supply chain for nuclear reactors - is boosting production and developing plans for further increases in the near future. Strong market conditions will, however, be necessary to trigger the investments required to meet projected demand.
The "Red Book", jointly prepared by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency and the International Atomic Energy Agency, is a recognised world reference on uranium. It is based on information compiled in 40 countries, including those that are major producers and consumers of uranium. This 23rd edition provides a comprehensive review of world uranium supply and demand as of 1 January 2009, as well as data on global uranium exploration, resources, production and reactor-related requirements. It provides substantive new information from major uranium production centres around the world, as well as from countries developing production centres for the first time. Projections of nuclear generating capacity and reactor-related uranium requirements through 2035 are also featured, along with an analysis of long-term uranium supply and demand issues.
ebook (ePub) 71.99 €20 prêts
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LCPLes apports de la recherche scientifique à la sécurite neige, glace et avalanche
- 3612225091519
Ce colloque international sur la neige et les avalanches a permis de créer un point de rencontre et d'entente entre théoriciens et praticiens, de faire le bilan des apports de la recherche scientifique à la sécurité et d'envisager les applications concrètes sur le terrain. Parmi les thèmes traités : évolution et physique de la neige, modélisations des avalanches, transport de la neige par le vent...
ebook (pdf) 2.00 €20 prêts
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SANS LCPQuality of forest reproductive material in the field of the application of european community rules
Daniel Terrasson
- 3612225091526
Qu'en est-il de l'application des directives communautaires relatives à la qualité génétique des arbres forestiers ? Chercheurs et responsables administratifs s'interrogent sur l'incidence de l'évolution des connaissances à ce sujet.
ebook (ePub) 2.00 €20 prêts
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LCPMauvaises herbes des petites Antilles ; weeds of the lesser antilles
- 3612225089417
Les 150 mauvaises herbes les plus importantes des Petites Antilles sont décrites avec précision et illustrées de 75 planches couleur. Leurs préférences écologiques, leurs modes de dissémination et les cultures qu'elles infestent principalement, sont indiqués. Une aide à la détermination est fournie sous forme d'une clef dichotomique très simple d'emploi.
ebook (pdf) 32.99 €20 prêts
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SANS LCPAphids in a new millennium
J-C Simon
- 3612225088366
Ce livre regroupe les communications proposées lors du 6ème Symposium international sur les pucerons qui s'est tenu à Rennes, France, en septembre 2001. Ce symposium a été organisé par l'équipe d'aphidologistes de l'Inra et de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Rennes (Ensar). Couvrant la plupart des aspects de la recherche internationale sur les pucerons, l'ouvrage est présenté en 5 chapitres : Biologie et Ecologie - Taxonomie, Systématique et Faunistique - Génétique, Biologie des populations et Ecologie évolutive - Dynamique des populations, Lutte biologique et Gestion intégrée des ravageurs - Interactions plantes-pucerons. Le nombre d'articles et leur diversité reflètent le dynamisme de la communauté des scientifiques travaillant sur les pucerons.
ebook (pdf) 45.99 €20 prêts
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